Talk about Walking


Well-Known Member
Odie is the hiker yearbook guy. You can see his yellow bus anywhere from Georgia to Maine during the season. He has became a sort of unofficial historian of the AT. He gives this speech from the top of his bus every year at Trail Days.

But The Family posted this cool rendition.

Hike on.

Odie is the hiker yearbook guy. You can see his yellow bus anywhere from Georgia to Maine during the season. He has became a sort of unofficial historian of the AT. He gives this speech from the top of his bus every year at Trail Days.

But The Family posted this cool rendition.

Hike on.

Have you met @Balzac89 ? He's member here that does a lot of hiking along the AT.
I haven't heard from him in a long while, if you see him say Howdy!
Have you met @Balzac89 ? He's member here that does a lot of hiking along the AT.
I haven't heard from him in a long while, if you see him say Howdy!
I have not. I'll have to look him up. I did see someone in the fishing thread who was a hiker, but I can;t remember his handle.

I've did a section of the AT in Georgia right after I started hiking. These days time away from home is getting harder to come by. My wife does not like me being gone too long.
Once it cools off, I try to spend 3 days and 2 nights on a trail ever other week. I split it between state parks and national forests. It cost at state parks, but you do have more services. I also get in some time on the Florida Trail. I live just over an hour away from the section in the picture above.

How do you tell a campsite on the Florida Trail from all the other woods around it? There is a sign at the campsite.

So I made a new one this afternoon. Items used were: a can, hole punch, and a big screw. {and the carbon mat from the old stove}

Picture is being a pain. I'll try again later. Heading out to stretch my legs after supper now.
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Let's try this again. The carbon mat is sold as Oatey's Flame Protector. 108 square inches is 17 bucks plus tax. The old stove was a little bigger, but carbon mat shrinks with usage, so I just crammed it in there.


The new stove is taller, so I had to make a new wind guard. Weight went from 3 to 5 grams.


This one has to be folded to fit inside the pot. I may do another row of holes to get that weight down a little more.

I also made a new pot lid. Didn't weigh either the new or the old one. Here is my whole cook setup. 2 cup aluminium pot {with wooden and foam handles}, stove, base plate, wind break, pot lid, mini bic, denatured alcohol {and bottle}, one ounce measure and half of a bandanna.

022.JPG 025.JPG
I got some good night time shots of the new stove in action on tonight's walk. Made coffee and got to sit in a chair. Will post later.
The Night Crawler finished the PCT a couple of weeks ago, but he's releasing his videos slow to keep interest in his channel up. Today he released the first in a series of post trail videos. A step by step on how to do snot rockets. Pretty damn funny compared to most post trail videos.

The Vienna Sausage stove has proven it's mettle the last couple weeks. We lived off hiker food the first few days post storm. Grits mostly, but some noodles and tuna. Since it's cooled off, I've started cooking our supper on the old wood grill. Plenty of firewood. I'll post some pictures when I get caught up.