Tales Of Betrayal


Well-Known Member
I'd like to hear some crazy stuff! The crazier the better!

Some people, I've come to find out the hard way, would shoot their mother in the face if they thought it would benefit them somehow!


Well-Known Member
I was in 8th grade, and decided to snitch on a girl who was harrassing me, so i wouldnt have to fight her. she got suspended for the day. the next day her friends, some of who were supposed to be my good friends, went to the principal and told her i had grabbed her friends chest and called her dirty names... so when her friends who were supposed to be my friends came into class, i asked if they were in trouble or something, why they were late.

30 seconds later i get called to the principals office, threatened with expulsion, that they were gonna put me in juvie, etc... then i told them that at the time it supposedly occured i was chatting with a security guard in front of the office.

They sent me back to class, but then i tried to fight one of the girls in the hallway for what they tried to do, got sent home for the day, my mom's friend took me to see norbit in theaters, and the next year when i was a freshman i tried to fight one of them again..... but they bitched out and ever since then i dog the fuck out of them when i see them, except for the one who ive known since i was 5.

She's the only one who is forgiven. My sister and I punked her alot, then she started hanging out with my group of friends when i was a senior in high school so I was like, ok, you're forgiven.

Never let me catch those other bitches on the street.


Well-Known Member
Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg stole secret nuclear weapons information and sold it to the communists.
Well whenever people used to come over I used to have all of my bud out and just laying there so I could have easy access. I had $400 and an ounce and a half of some White Widow and Blue Dream. I went out for a little, (mind you I used to never lock my door) and when I came back all my shit was gone, and I knew it had to be someone who knew I left my door unlocked because they didn't take the T.V. or anything, they specifically opened my stash box, took my weed and money, and left....

And another time I actually trusted my friend with knowing where I hid my stash because I had to go out of town and he said he might need a little until I got back, well when I got back it was gone and he said he didn't know. About two years after he took it we were rollin together and he said he admitted to stealing it because he was on molly and felt like opening up. and that just pissed me off and made me not want to trust ANYONE with ANYTHING....

I guess I've never had anything too drastic happen, but there's always the future


Well-Known Member
When my partner of three and a half years who I trusted my life with multiple times got caught and set me up for a lb sale with an undercover stole my best customer and continued to deal after being caught then got raided two months later and is fucked now. Karmas a bitch


Ate my girls snatch out.... an hour later had an argument... she told me she was fucking my best friend two hours before I was licking it n she haven't taken a shower.... dirty slut!...... so does that mean I was sucking his dick? Urrrrrrrrr