Taking suggestions


Well-Known Member
Any input on what you think I should do will be amazing.

I have transplanted her into a new pot, gave her new soil, and flushed her twice.

What are your suggestions?

I am probably going to cut all the browning spots off today.

I have been giving her some nutes,

Earth Juice Microblast (Foliar feeding)
MG Liquid plant food (My other nutes are at my apartment)
Soil is Roots Organic, with coco fiber.
The temps hover around 83-85 during the day and then about 76-80 with the lights on at night.

In the early morning is when I foliar feed her so she doesn't get burnt when the sun is too hot.

Over the next 3 weeks my parents asked me to look after their house while they are in Russia so I brought my plants and my lights over and converted an old tree house into a grow room (it isn't really in a tree). What I am doing is having the plants outside during the day soaking up all that beautiful California sunshine. Then at night I take them into the tree house and turn my 400W HPS on all night.

I am trying to give them 24 hours of light to try to help out with the pH stress and N toxicity she had.

Any and all input is welcome. No I am not going to just throw her out there is no need she is still alive just stressed out right now.

Btw she is in flowering but I do not want her to produce buds until she starts to look much more healthy. I need some vigorous growth out of her.


Nothing at all guys? Not even a "throw it away?"
I'm not expert but 24 hours of light during flower will make go into shock, possible make the plant go back into a vegetative growth.

I would check soil PH, and put it outside 12 hours a day max....


Well-Known Member
Well it's a long story so to make it short.

I went out of town left my friend to watch it, he didn't check the pH and let it get down to about 4.2 when I got home I check and by then it was too late and they were starting to get the mad claw. It was also N toxicity on top of the pH being so low. I flushed her when I got the chance lost two plants because of it and am now down to 2 plants left.

I want the plants to go back into vegetative state so I can build up the roots and get the plant nice and happy. I just cut most of the brown and dying leafs off and also the stems that felt hallow and weak I removed them. Here is that picture after her hair cut.



Well-Known Member
haha, thats what I want to hear what do you think I should do for my next step? Just keep her with the lights on and just try nursing her back to health? Any kind of product you can recommend me using?


Well-Known Member
if it was me id leave it outside and i think it would do better for some reason..
u could take clones and that would start flowering


Well-Known Member
I think that is what I am going to do now is just leave them outside not even worry about putting them under the 400W HPS. That does sound like a good idea but I want to get more vegetation on the stems before I start flowering again.