Taking my Friends Super hot Urkrainian Wife Out Awkward.

i was expecting super hot..
maybe i was confused, someone mentioned a pageant

seen better chicks working at a fast food joint

step your game up!
Well, 21 hrs after 1st post in this thread. No follow up pic, no further comm from Ching. What could this mean?
1) He got frisky and she wasn't having any so she hurt him, killed him, or ratted him out to his buddy and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
2) He didn't perform up to her standards so she hurt him, killed him, or ratted him out to his buddy and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
3) They had glorious sex and he either is still in bed with her or
4) They had glorious sex and she told him she wants him and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
5) all of the above
Well, 21 hrs after 1st post in this thread. No follow up pic, no further comm from Ching. What could this mean?
1) He got frisky and she wasn't having any so she hurt him, killed him, or ratted him out to his buddy and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
2) He didn't perform up to her standards so she hurt him, killed him, or ratted him out to his buddy and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
3) They had glorious sex and he either is still in bed with her or
4) They had glorious sex and she told him she wants him and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
5) all of the above

At this point, it's a win if he still has both kidneys...

A lot can happen in 21 hours.
if you really wanted her to play her hand: you should have told her "no"

I didn't see a picture, but hot chicks are not used to a guy telling her no, and would have likely showed her cards so-to-speak.

maybe she told her husband she was horny and didn't want to cheat: so they thought you would fit the bill. who knows stranger things have happen.
Well, 21 hrs after 1st post in this thread. No follow up pic, no further comm from Ching. What could this mean?
1) He got frisky and she wasn't having any so she hurt him, killed him, or ratted him out to his buddy and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
2) He didn't perform up to her standards so she hurt him, killed him, or ratted him out to his buddy and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
3) They had glorious sex and he either is still in bed with her or
4) They had glorious sex and she told him she wants him and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
5) all of the above

All this lam counting ... I has a sleepy.

You got me thinking so I did some checking:

She could buy herself a nifty fish smoking/drying factory back in the Ukraine. RIP Ching, we'll miss you

We'll drone it in retaIiation...

probably just a cover for WMD, the flat earth convention, the moon hoax, the Mason's silly handshake club, ISIS, kryptonite, polyunsaturated fat, Ebola, torture, child slavery, and other things that can't be brought up without NSA surveilance triggers.
Well, 21 hrs after 1st post in this thread. No follow up pic, no further comm from Ching. What could this mean?
1) He got frisky and she wasn't having any so she hurt him, killed him, or ratted him out to his buddy and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
2) He didn't perform up to her standards so she hurt him, killed him, or ratted him out to his buddy and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
3) They had glorious sex and he either is still in bed with her or
4) They had glorious sex and she told him she wants him and Ching panicked and is on the lam.
5) all of the above
6) Hubby comes home early...
@ChingOwn Okay, I can't believe no one's asked this yet: Does your bestie know his woman is asking this of you? Clear that up first,

*THEN consider this:

If he's been gone and she's lonely and asked YOU to accompany her, tread lightly. Depending on how well you know her, this is often female speak for wanting to get wasted with a "safe" person. And by safe I mean known, not your physical appearance. I will put money down that she will get buzzed and then send you mixed signals or try and hook up with you. Or worse, with some dude there. (a dude she may have had her eye on while hubby is gone. she's lonely) Think about it: why would she ask you to take her? She's a grown woman and can take girlfriends with her if she's worried about being hit on. Be careful my friend.
We texted hubby selfies from her phone, while at the party and skyped him he didnt appear to give a shit. and sent me an email for jobs in the Stan he thought I would be interested in, while he was on the phone.

as a matter of fact here you guys go if any of you can clean up long enough to pass a UA and the physical.



I hate to say it guys but it was lame..So lame that I didnt even take pictures... I forgot how much I hate being in enclosed spaces with loud stupid music and a bunch of smelly fuckers.

I left her there talking to the owner of the house and went home. I received another text today saying how great a time she had and she wants me to take her to an art gallery on Sunday and telling me that I should go out more..I will not be doing this.

The only regret I have is that I didn't take a picture of her when she was all dressed up to show you guys that are talking shit. It was dark and I couldn't seem to make it sound right "let me take your picture to show my internet friends that you are hot" flash flash I vow to make for this when I see her next. I just asked if she would send me one of the selfies if she does Ill post it.
We texted hubby selfies from her phone, while at the party and skyped him he didnt appear to give a shit. and sent me an email for jobs in the Stan he thought I would be interested in, while he was on the phone.

as a matter of fact here you guys go if any of you can clean up long enough to pass a UA and the physical.



I hate to say it guys but it was lame..So lame that I didnt even take pictures... I forgot how much I hate being in enclosed spaces with loud stupid music and a bunch of smelly fuckers.

I left her there talking to the owner of the house and went home. I received another text today saying how great a time she had and she wants me to take her to an art gallery on Sunday and telling me that I should go out more..I will not be doing this.

The only regret I have is that I didn't take a picture of her when she was all dressed up to show you guys that are talking shit. It was dark and I couldn't seem to make it sound right "let me take your picture to show my internet friends that you are hot" flash flash I vow to make for this when I see her next. I just asked if she would send me one of the selfies if she does Ill post it.
So you still have your kidneys? Perhaps the RIP was premature, keep it and use it when it counts. As for the chick; she seems to have an attention disorder. My advice is to go with her to the art gallery (provided she doesn't know anyone there). Her attention will be on you and we can keep this thread going on and on. You owe that to us for reneging on the promise of hot pics. This time I'd advise you to drink heavily, drunken art gallery stories are the bomb esp. with bad art and drunken horniness. Just the right ration of culture and depravity
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We texted hubby selfies from her phone, while at the party and skyped him he didnt appear to give a shit. and sent me an email for jobs in the Stan he thought I would be interested in, while he was on the phone.

as a matter of fact here you guys go if any of you can clean up long enough to pass a UA and the physical.



I hate to say it guys but it was lame..So lame that I didnt even take pictures... I forgot how much I hate being in enclosed spaces with loud stupid music and a bunch of smelly fuckers.

I left her there talking to the owner of the house and went home. I received another text today saying how great a time she had and she wants me to take her to an art gallery on Sunday and telling me that I should go out more..I will not be doing this.

The only regret I have is that I didn't take a picture of her when she was all dressed up to show you guys that are talking shit. It was dark and I couldn't seem to make it sound right "let me take your picture to show my internet friends that you are hot" flash flash I vow to make for this when I see her next. I just asked if she would send me one of the selfies if she does Ill post it.