Taking glass on a bus?


Well-Known Member
So im getting ready to head to Oregon via bus and i was kind of wanting to take a rig with me, it would be cleaned of course but is this something i should i have to worry about? Do they go through your baggage at all? Should i put it my main bag or my personal bag?



Staff member
ive never had any bus go through my stuff, at least in canada.
bubble wrap the shit out of it though and place it wrapped in other stuff


Well-Known Member
if its clean your good , funny but true story when I was younger I took a bus to Ohio when we stopped at one of the stops in virgina we see drug dogs searching busses , immediately you knew who smoked or had drugs and who didn't , I had a small bag on me , everyone that did quickly seemed to subconciously group up and went into the station through the back doors and out through the front as far away as possible to smoke cigs we all quickly started saying ok who's got it and who's got a cigar there was five of us huddled around at 2 am in 30 degree weather throwing in while one guy rolled the fastest blunt I've ever seen under his hoodie , we started smoking and about halfway through a cop walks around the corner walks right past us and never said a word one of the guys was actually trying to be funny and asked him for his coffee because he was cold , when we walked in i noticed a big sherrif office sticker on one of the doors I guess a small hub I don't know point being busses can be fun just don't take more than you can eat and if you take a bowl piece make sure its clean


Well-Known Member
Fuck them I brought a knife and drugs to FL with me ain't nobody looked in my shit I went through NYC, Boston and all