taking clones 1 week into flower


Well-Known Member
i had to take clones off of a few plants that were one week into flower ....this should be earlly enough not to freak the plant out to bad? i know it will take longer to root and go back to its vegatative state ....im just trying to save a strain because of a mishap on the mothers....any advise


New Member
yea you should be fine just do as normal with the ones in flowerin and dont expect new growth on clone for a minute.


Well-Known Member
as your already prepared to wait longer for rooting time, but the cut may root at a normal rate, it will certainly take longer for the cut to start vegging if there already bud sites on the cutting, at 1 week in there shouldnt be an issue. also keep in mind if you have a cutting with bud sites already on it , it should be a little longer to get back into re-veg as the clone will do its best to support and keep alive the blossom already on the cutting


Well-Known Member
thanks guys luckily like i said they were in about 5 days and there was just some light green of new growth on top but no bud sites at all