Takin Care Of Business A Prize Winning Journal


Well-Known Member
i know there will be more today when i go too....

this brings us down to 30 now. ..

Both males are from the PW varitey



Well-Known Member
looking at these 2 males i see one has a little more indica traits,

i am thinking of sending both to the BOY's Home. i wasnt planning on breeding but these have nice vigor i need to add some to BB1 blueberry 1, mine has very poor stem vigor. So i will set them aside for 48 hours and make a decision. they will be isolated under a seperate 400 watt.


Well-Known Member
ok lights on in a 2.5 hours i have to get dressed and drive over there. the weather has changed a bunch, i need to get a large batch of clones also.

Supernatural food stepped up with some samples and rooting powders also. They cannont sponsor these grows but they do what they can. they were sent overnight mail so i hope to get them today.

What i find the longer i grow is even the retailers dont know the products. When i go in the store and find a rookie looking for the first time i try and spend some time, all to often most retailers just want the markup. it gets really busy sometimes these guys roll in for out of town and drop 2500.00 to 10000.00 in one visit, thats where i come in. my goal is to teach the next guy from my mistakes.

Once you have a strong relationship with a retailer, talk to these manifactures, you will be suprised, every year i get over 2000.00 in samples. sometimes these come by the case.

We contacted Foxfarm Via phone through my local retailer. We contacted them because i was concerned that the mix had changed. FF Ocean forest mix was slightly altered a year ago to allow more moisture retension, this has lead to overwatering. i felt silly calling but
troy felt it was important to give them direct imput. We also were offered a credit for the soil we though was BAD!

During the conversation i made it clear i was feeling like FF mixes were becoming less consistant. We also indicated we were doing a side by side compairason, they offered to
ship out FRESH case of foods. i felt that this would not give off the shelf results. So many growers start with FF but go elsewhere, Really the line or schedule usually gets you introuble. Some of the additives make hot batches. i have had good results and the taste is good. however FF is very pricey even when purchasing in bulk

when the samples get here i will get you up to date


Well-Known Member
I hate to do it to ya man but do you think you can list what all your feeding during what time?

Pics and tidbits about all the details tends to garble it up in my head and without going thru and writing down the facts to decipher your schedule Ill go nuts!

Just something like a guide line really...........for instance............what you feed veg only and what you feed flower only. The dilutions I can figure out.....but understanding what it is that your giving at any given time is insane you have so much stuff mixed together.

Secondly...........I know this is a huge pain in the ass but a lot of us have no idea what the hell you were looking at when you found that male. Id have been looking for footballs of pollen and you snatched them out 2 days into flower? Ill be doomed if I cant grasp that identification strategy.

Maybe circle what you used as a tell tale sign?

Thanks brother..........youre an inspiration to many


Well-Known Member
I hate to do it to ya man but do you think you can list what all your feeding during what time?

Pics and tidbits about all the details tends to garble it up in my head and without going thru and writing down the facts to decipher your schedule Ill go nuts!

Just something like a guide line really...........for instance............what you feed veg only and what you feed flower only. The dilutions I can figure out.....but understanding what it is that your giving at any given time is insane you have so much stuff mixed together.

Secondly...........I know this is a huge pain in the ass but a lot of us have no idea what the hell you were looking at when you found that male. Id have been looking for footballs of pollen and you snatched them out 2 days into flower? Ill be doomed if I cant grasp that identification strategy.

Maybe circle what you used as a tell tale sign?

Thanks brother..........youre an inspiration to many

I have only fed 2 times and every feeding and watering is listed on the journal. there is no set list of foods as i have tons of additives, i have taken pictures of nearly every product i use during this grow.

on the males i have seen the balls i dont know how to do all the picture editing. i will try to highlight these areas on todays update.

To all others i will have to update tomarow as i forgot the camera at the garden


Well-Known Member
this is the best, when he takes more than a couple days to update. because then you always see very big improvements and it makes it that much better.


Well-Known Member
this is the best, when he takes more than a couple days to update. because then you always see very big improvements and it makes it that much better.

this time it is for another reason, you can bet if i purchased a pallet of dirt a few weeks back, that means the Big dig was ready to empty out. there was simply too much to keep all this going, Some of the things in this grow were presenting major challenges. By the end of the week end, this thread will be current again.... the monster thread will be updated and the clones from these plants will be ready.

then it will be more feasable to do click by click journal.



Well-Known Member
i so wanted to do this this weekend and today, some really hard decisions came out of this, basically 3 weeks ago we were deleting the males, after this 6 more hermies were deleted, at the end of this mass germination, i was very displeased with the results...

The plants are in near perfect condition, i have a mess of pictures from up to a week ago,

The journal has undergone a change, we had been running 2 lights for all these plants,

Now you can barely move in that large room. there are 4 hid lights, it will be a much nicer outcome, later this afternoon i will attempt to bring in the last 2 weeks of growth,
beyond that, you will see this room is quickly getting out of control.

Thanks for being patient....