TAKE ACTION: Ask your senator to amend medical marijuana-related proposals!


Well-Known Member
Received this in my email from MPP. Thought I would share it here.
It's a premade email, just fill in your contact info and click send:

Here is what the message will say:
I’m glad the House Judiciary Committee considered feedback and modifications to the four bills that would amend the medical marijuana law. Those bills are in much better form now than when they were introduced. Still, I have several serious concerns and ask you to vote “no” on HB 4856 and to vote “no” on HB 4834 and HB 4851 if they are not amended.

HB 4834, for example, gives law enforcement officials access to registry information without a warrant. And since it gives them this information through the LEIN system, which federal law enforcement agencies can also access, it could give federal officials access to patient information. There’s a reason patients’ information is strictly confidential under the voter-approved law, and it should remain so. Police should have to demonstrate probable cause to a judge or magistrate and get a warrant, just like they must with countless other forms of investigation, before patient information is turned over.

There's also a glitch with the section of HB 4851 attempting to make it clear that patients can present the medical use of marijuana as a defense in court. By defining “patients” the same as “qualifying patients,” the bill makes it so that people with conditions that are serious but not on the list (for example, PTSD, which commonly afflicts veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) cannot assert the defense.

I also ask you to oppose HB 4856, which would make it a crime for a patient to transport marijuana if it is not locked in a case or trunk. There is no similar law for Vicodin or other medications, and this would be onerous, painful, and unnecessary for patients who have mobility issues and joint pain. There’s also no similar requirement for alcohol. It makes no sense to allow an unopened recreational intoxicant but to prohibit unopened medicine.

Please take a close look at these bills and work to amend them. Thank you, and please let me know where you stand.
I added this paragraph:
HB 4851 would also ban felons of Assaultive Crimes from being Caregivers. Some of these caregivers are caring for their own family and should be aloud to continue to do so. If this Bill is passed as is with immediate affect, the patients that depend on these caregivers will loose safe affordable access to their medication. It is true that they can find new caregivers or grow their own, but it will take time and money to setup a proper growing environment, and at least 4-6 months before that grow produces ready to use medication. Those who truly need this medication could SUFFER!
Feel free to add it if you agree.


Well-Known Member
Good fucking luck with the Senate,

those corrupt motherfuckers will pass shit without even counting the vote, then they instantly drive the Bill over to Snyders office and stand there till he signs it.


Well-Known Member
Good fucking luck with the Senate,

those corrupt motherfuckers will pass shit without even counting the vote, then they instantly drive the Bill over to Snyders office and stand there till he signs it.
I am with you on that without a doubt. I do not think my email, vote, or voice means shit to anyone in Lansing, but I still give it a shot in case this is one of the times that I am wrong. That not counting vote crap is absolutely amazing to me. So what are we lead to believe gets down when they aren't in public on camera? That is scarey shit and can't people in Washington see this shit and do something. Who prosecutes these people?


Active Member
i am confused>>>> didnt hb 4851 pass 105 to 4???? does this mean it is already in action? please help me understand


Well-Known Member
i am confused>>>> didnt hb 4851 pass 105 to 4???? does this mean it is already in action? please help me understand
Nothing is completly passes and goes into affect unless it is passed by both the house and the senate and signed by the governor. None of the bills have gone that far. NOTHING has changed with the act YET.