Take a plant from indoor to out.


What's up people. I got an issue and wanted second opinion. I have a few flowers that are ready for harvest. But two of my nycd still has another 2-3 weeks to go. Is it okay for me to take it outside? Will it fuck up the flower cycle and turn back to veg so close to the end ?

General info: growing in soil
1000 w m h
Cheese, God bud and New York city Diesel


Well-Known Member
As long as you maintain the same "time" schedule as inside, yes...you do risk bugs indoors if you have to bring them in and out to keep the light schedule identical. G/L


Well-Known Member
You don't want to mess with your light cycle this close unless you are making it shorter than what you are currently running. I guess I am a bit odd but I move mine from inside to outside everyday. When the weather is nasty I keep them under lights for the day or move them them into my greenhouse. This is much more work everyday but it works for me and allows me to get all the UV I can, plus the plants are just happier out there. Good Luck


Respect thanks. Lets take a risk. Il try to keep the schedule but that would be imposible because my lights are on at night. This is going tk be ficked up butlets home nature is nice to me.