Take a look with pics- Guess yield

420 Tokers

Active Member
So she is 5 weeks into flowering. Learned from my last post she is still growing due to a light leak in the room. Problem resolved last night. She was grown from bag seed, under cfl for 40 days, 400watt mh for 20 days, and now flowering under 400 watt hps. Giving her FloraNova Boom.
What can you guess as a yeild? She is now three and a half feet tall.

Also a few questions: Will the light leak make it take longer to flower? Also because she is so tall I was hoping to see if we could harvest the top cola and then harvest the rest later and give the buds a chance to become more dense at teh bottom. She is the only plant under this light and has been since flowering started.



Well-Known Member
light leeks causes hermie must of the time and harvesting the top bud would put alot of stress on the plant so onless its ready dont take the bud off the plant try bending it it will work wonders ...


New Member
Seriously you still have 4 or more weeks before pulling the plug. That plant should easily give you 3oz when its completed.
Post some pics of the setup along with nutes and as much info.

420 Tokers

Active Member
thanks for the responses! The light leak I think happened because of the cloning box that was sealed with mylar and we thought the cfl light leaking out was less than the moon light but since the plant was still growing 2inches a night not sure? She still looks female with no sign of balls so I do not think she will become a she-he. She currently drinks every three days one full gallon of water with 3 teaspoons of floranova bloom. I will wait four more weeks then could I take the top and let the rest of the buds catch up and become more dense? Not bad for a first grow though huh? Oh I hope to get way more than a half an ounce to an ounce!

420 Tokers

Active Member
Read the post thanks. Ofcourse you all know this is strickly for entertainment only. I do not participate in any illegal growing or smoking. Just had to put that out there now back to how that nice 36 inches tall plant looks.


Active Member
stems weigh nothing ..
they actually weigh like zero .
people are always like .. blah blah thats stemy weed.
manohman , stems weigh shit all .
get a bunch of stems and weigh em out .
.2 for like 6 stems lmfao. seriously try it .