take a look need sugestions /feedback


Active Member
ok i had 5 vegged for 2 mo and flowed for a week got 1 female and 4 males haha damn i suck but ... i cut 4 of the 15 colas off and cloned them today and they dident die yet ... soo i took the "mother" plant i guess itll be called and put it back under the flouros with my other 2nd start 2 1/2 wk old and the clones too i used 70%pearlite and 30% dirt to root them in i guess thatll work dunno anyone know of anything better? i guess what im asking is what do i gotta get the "mother" to do to repruduce colas ? i seen people talking about having mother and keep cloning them i just switched it into a 5gal bucket bout 4 days b4 i cloned them it was rootbound ..... what do you think what can i do better / more efficiently what can i do to help them ? the female WAS the one on the far right front all others were males :(



New Member
kill the males, HOLY HELL theres alot of lights (OH LOOK! I see a light in the back you havent used yet! quick screw that bitch in!), stop watering em so much... the leaves are starting to sag... other then that... Idk... BTW, clean up that broken lightbulb and clean up your grow area... christ man... keep clean, trust me... its best for your health and most importantly the babies health.


Active Member
yea thats and older pic only survivor of the massacare is the one female all others are dead and the hps is off:( not budss for me yet


New Member
haha ouch... anyways... probably for the best... the males needed to die anyways. Just nurse your female to health and get it some nice healthy branches THEN, clones those puppies and bam! get acouple females and your on your way to some fresh green smoke my friend...


Active Member
see them small 4 with all the pearlite ? i just cloned them 3 hrs ago hopefully they dont die but how does the one i cloned them from grow them back or just keeps growing up and getting new ones ? do i just clone all the colas and then cut the main stalk and then use that as a clone also? i dunno 1st grow


New Member
Hell man... I'm on my first real indoor grow too... my last grow was outdoors and I over fertilized it so... im new to this whole cloning shit. but from what ive read... Idk man... i heard rockwool is best for cloning, that is if you can get your hands on some haha... I'm havin a hard time getting my hands on some... But remember... Marijuana is simply a weed... it will grow inspite of itself... all you really need is a good lighting system, which you have, and some good soil, I think your using WAY to much pearlite, but since your cloning they do need air... so Idk bro... Just remember, dont over love them.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
when you cut the clone make sure you leave a set of leaves below the cut. then shortly you will see 2 new growths where you cut and voila you will have 2 more places to get cuttings from.


Active Member
damn i dident do that i screwed up i guess i got 9 more colas to cut off so ill haveto remember to do that do i cut it like im topping it or just anywhere so long as theres a spot wheres theres new colas growing ?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
yes just like your topping just be sure to leave some for the new grow. you will have bushes with many branches after awhile. same for the lower side branches and they will grow 2 also.


Well-Known Member
wow your brave im no electrician but a scrawny wire ment for 1 light bulb with a y splitter with 2 y splitters plugged into that.......... damn good luck with that


Active Member
each one stamped into the plastic says its good for 660 watts they dont even get warm xcpt the setup with the dome over it they get slightly warm no problems at all

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
each one stamped into the plastic says its good for 660 watts they dont even get warm xcpt the setup with the dome over it they get slightly warm no problems at all
that looks like what i use for temporary lighting on job sites. i usually use 100 watt bulbs and there is 10 lamp holders for a total of 1000 watts. those cfls should be ok but i wouldnt go over 100 watts per lamp holder even tho they are rated higher.


Active Member
i got 2 setups of 4 like that the one is wired with 8ga motor starter wire 2 hots no ground into a weatherproof outdoor lightsocket like all the others the 2nd setup of 4 is on a worklight designed for 500watt halougen lamp with a porcelin socket all the others are a strung set of construction lights that says itll accept upto 250 wats per socket 5 sockets ... but i think its ok will let yall know if anything happens excpt when i stick my finger in the socket when i take the bulb out to move the light thats allways a fun suprise when ur stoned and get electricuted hahaha but wat ever thanks for the advice guys any other advice is welcome this is my 1st grow

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
What Gauge Wire to Use you sure i found this when i googled it
this is for dc volts from a battery.

ac volts is for a house.
look in article 310 of the N.E.C and find table 310-16
the table says 14 awg. rated at 20 amps, but you must go to article240.d for small conductors you must rate 14 awg to 15 amps.
15x120=1800 watts
1800 watts at 80% is 1440 watts
14awg.1440 watts at continuous load