Take a look... Need Help!


Active Member
So here are my 3 girls... 2 of wich are white widow and the third is a bag seed from some good shit I got... All 3 are about 3 weeks into flowering...

The 2 W.W.s are doing great but the leaves around the bud sites are turning a bright green like something I have never seen... Is this normal for the strain or am I doing something wrong???



Well-Known Member
So here are my 3 girls... 2 of wich are white widow and the third is a bag seed from some good shit I got... All 3 are about 3 weeks into flowering...

The 2 W.W.s are doing great but the leaves around the bud sites are turning a bright green like something I have never seen... Is this normal for the strain or am I doing something wrong???
What kind of soil are you using, are you using any fertilzers and are you using straight tap water? Looks like a Zinc problem from what I can tell . You say turning brite green but it looks like yellow to me?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I am using walmart soil... I think its miracle grow...
Miracle Grow?! AKKK! Some people swear by miracle grow but most people just end up burning their plants. MG has enough nutes in it that you shouldn't have to fertilize during veg at all. Some people swear by miracle grow soil but from what I've seen it just has too much nutes in it already for 10-40% of strains.

My Grow Journal: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/169213-lollipop-white-widow-blueberry-sadhu.html


Active Member
I tested the ph of the soil and it was 7.0 and I didnt use any nutes until the second week of flowering...

And again Im just using Miracle grow blooming nutes.


Well-Known Member
I tested the ph of the soil and it was 7.0 and I didnt use any nutes until the second week of flowering...

And again Im just using Miracle grow blooming nutes.
I'm going to stick my neck out and say that it is definitly iron or sulfur. Does your fertilizer contain these elements? I don't know about miricle grow but having read a ton of fertilizer labels I know that many don't include sulfur and almost as many dont include iron. If your fertilizer doesn't contain these elements find a good micro-nutrient fertilizer that does and give em a good foliar spray.