take a look at my leaves, DWC grow


photo (3).jpgphoto (2).jpgphoto (1).jpgat the time I took the pictures, the ph was a little over 6.5, i dropped it down to 5.5, also will be adding nutrients as the ppm has gone down since res and nute change earlier


instead of dropping like yesterday, the ppm has gone up from 360 to 630, the ph was at 6.5 when i checked this morning - adjusted down to 5.5

also the leaves are starting to look droopier

added some H2O2 to the reservoir as well


the roots are looking nice and clean since adding the H2O2. Leaves are still droopy, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
If the PPM goes up it means you gave the plant nutrient burn. Its drinking only water and not up taking nutes. How are your water temps.. DWC its very important to have reservoir temps 70 degrees and under.


trying to get some new pics up later, but ive dropped the ppm down to 240. It was hovering around 370 since yesterday evening but the leaves are not looking any less droopy, and they dont seem to be growing any taller. the roots however are looking nice and growing


Active Member
If the PPM goes up it means you gave the plant nutrient burn. Its drinking only water and not up taking nutes. How are your water temps.. DWC its very important to have reservoir temps 70 degrees and under.
But if the ppm goes up and and the ph goes up that doesn't makes sense. only if the ph goes down and ppm goes then its too much nutes. to me it just looks like your plants could use some oxygen. Not experienced with dwc. heard the plants can turn on you quickly, so i have always stuck with ebb and flow. how are you oxygenating the water? what size air stone, air pump?