Take 2


Active Member
First off, I wanted to thank everyone for all of the advice and moral support for my first grow attempt. I made some beginner mistakes with lighting and soil, but in the end I think pH fluctuations did the girls in. I hope to redeem myself with this grow. I picked up some new toys, some of which you can see below, including a proper pH pen (I even sprung for the HI98128) and some fluorescent lighting to start the clones with.

The specs on the room are pretty much the same as last time.. 600w HPS bulb, sealed hood, inline duct fan, etc etc. As for the ladies, we have 3 each of the Blackberry Bubba Kush and of Pre-98 Bubba Kush.

Right now they are still in the rockwool (or whatever.. peat moss? :?:) under two 40w T12 fluorescent bulbs. Tomorrow I will probably plant them in some Fox Farm "Happy Frog" soil that has been flushed with water that has been properly pH'd to 6.3.

Live Ganja-cam


Active Member
Good morning all! We are now on day 4 of being planted, and the girls are looking good this morning. The Blackberry Bubbas' seem to be having the most trouble, but the other 4 look pretty good if I do say so myself.. I have decided to water only using "bottle spring water" from the store, because I am certain my tap water contains arsenic or something.. :lol:

Blackberry Bubba #1

Blackberry Bubba #2

The sole Purple Bubba.. Lookin good!

Pre-98 Bubba #1

Pre-98 Bubba #2

Pre-98 Bubba #3


Active Member
Update time! Things have been going well. I switched over to the HPS over the weekend, and they seem to be happy. I havent really done a single thing since last update.. They been watered again or even sprayed with anything.

Lets start on a happy note this time, eh? These pre-98 Bubbas are all looking B-E-A-UTIFUL (if I do say so myself) :angel:

And the lone Purple Bubba is also growing nicely.

Problem child #1, Blackberry Bubba B. For some reason it doesnt look like she has grown an inch! I dont know what her problem is, but she looks to be the same size as when I got her!

Blackberry Bubba A is looking better than before. She still has some ugly growth, but at least she is growing.. :lol:

Also, if you noticed the new angle on the grow cam, it is due to my fancy new camera mount I fashioned up this weekend.

Its actually an old-school GPS mounting bracket turned upside down, but it looks professional and works! :lol: