Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey

Nice toi see you back in our neck of the woods again my friend. A rightous harvest indeed. Many blessings to you and yours as we pull nearer to the holidays. I know you said your done for the winter but does that mean an absence from RUI? Or are you going to hang with us while we tredge on with our grows?
many many thanks for your visit and thoughts ... yup ...this is the first real melt your face stuff I can ever remember having ... I am so pleased with the outcome .... thanks again for dropping on by. :bigjoint:

face melting pot? Man... why can't pot grow faster?
yuppppurieezzeee .... melt that ole face down to the bone .... sooooo goood. ~~~~~~~
Thats as good as it gets!! Face melting!!!:eyesmoke:

a journey she has been ... and a new and interesting journey follows. Always more places to see and people to meet. I'll always be hanging here ... a great community with people like all of ya!! ~~~~~
THANK YOU Tahoe for an exciting and emotional rollercoaster with ups and downs but mostly ups as far as i can member lol. I shall be waiting for ur next endevours if u are willing to share again.

hahahaha ... I love my shrooms, but this weed is like so special for me ... sounds really lame, but I just friggin luv this stuff.
face melting?.......shite......blotter......wow.....

absofrigginlutely .... I be hanging round. Might be some come 'n go but lots of good people here and funny stories and sick sicko monstro grows ... so gotta stay plugged in .... walking on, never walking away. :leaf:
Nice toi see you back in our neck of the woods again my friend. A rightous harvest indeed. Many blessings to you and yours as we pull nearer to the holidays. I know you said your done for the winter but does that mean an absence from RUI? Or are you going to hang with us while we tredge on with our grows?

hahahaha ... yea no shit eh, but that's one of the golden rules ... patience shall be greatly rewarded.
face melting pot? Man... why can't pot grow faster?

hahahaha what a hoot .... but then it would be no fun at all .... the jorney, that's the special part .... its all just one big fukin journey. Are you looking out the window and watching it race past, or are you jumping in with both feet? yyyeeehhhhaaawwww!!!!!~~~~~~
we need some universal remotes.... (adam sandler style, auto pilot till harvest)

I've seriously thought about this so many times lawl. :bigjoint:

fukin movies with messages, what's with that ... just let it be fukin entertainment ... hahahahah? J/K ..... too funny!
but didnt in that film it make his life worse in thelong run?

never forget your family ... whatever connection you have ... make more, build stronger, work at it, its gonna ALWAYS be worth the effort. If u can't find a way, look for another way, there is always a path.
that's cause he fastforwarded past the good times spent with his family.

i would just fast forward doin all the work and care, right to sparkin a fatty :bigjoint:

And on That note - I do believe its time to spark a PhAtTiEE!!!~~~~~ Walking on!!~~~ Thanks everyone. You're all simply awesome!
:(gonna miss the updates bro! anyway, don't forget to rotate the babes in the Avi now;), just a friendly reminder:mrgreen: yeehhaaww!:hump: thx for the ride buddy:leaf:
hahahaha what a hoot .... but then it would be no fun at all .... the jorney, that's the special part .... its all just one big fukin journey. Are you looking out the window and watching it race past, or are you jumping in with both feet? yyyeeehhhhaaawwww!!!!!~~~~~~

i actually agree its not always necessarily the destination that's important. its also how you get there.
So nice to see fine ass harvests..Cant wait till my widows finishes...the reaping day should be on 24 of december, if 10 weeks is enough...what a wonderful christmas present it would be...
i dont think a lot of us have been to impressed with it lately. but hey what can i say i like the people ive met and i like the staff. even though mr rollitups hard to contact at times and nt others though admin seems to be in charge now so lets how it goes.

but hey its what you make of it as 5 o clock said.. and sadly no other forum seems as good. RIU just feels like home. plus you are allowed more freedom of expression here than a lot of other places. its slowly getting back to the way it once was though.

i must also admit turd man was pissing me of something cruel.
RUI is what you make of it. I use it to socialize about pot with people I have never met on the other side of the ocean and all over the world. What's not to like?

What I don't like is getting flagged as a spammer by someone, and having your PM privileges taken away by admin without them looking onto the fact that I've never spammed anyone!
Other than that I like it here...
maybe we all should send riu a pm one from each of us asking for mammaths privalages to be re-instated. He'd know what spam is then lol