hey there ... thanks for coming on by .... we'll change her up soon enough again .... and thanks re: buds
Sad to see the other Avatar go Tahoe

, I am more of a booty man, but they are a real perky set.....oh, and the bud pics are nice too
I really am just a shallow scientist .... hahahaha! hey and you're most welcome to your perspective....each of us have our own ... me and BBW don't mix well .... I'd get lost ..... I bin your regular 98lb JoeWeider weakling with sand kicked in my face ... hahahaha! Preet much my entire life. Funny how that becomes attractive and distinguished as one passes through the 1/2 century!
i like a puurdy face

, nice titties and a nice ass.
i feel this ones lacking your regular class. sorry tahoe
that's a good thing right? hahahaha! ride that bull ... I mean .... dainty girl. LOL!
i think your threads having a funny effect on me Tahoe, i told the missus she would look smoking in just a stetson and a pair of cuban heels.......
thanks man!
the grow is bad ass....the avatar?....is she in a meat locker?.....why can't I meet women like that?.....oh yeah, I'm a poor, old feck....
club 'em???, fuk u are old!!!! hahahaha! ... we need to sit and do some bowls and have a talk - I wanna get some history straight .... or maybe you been living somewhere else all these centuries>>???
confidence and a good personality are all ya need bro. im a prick and always in pain but i still manage.
i still wish it was like the good old days where we could just club them and have our way with them. try that now and wed get a restraining order and half our shit taken off us lol.
the grow room could be sexy but my cabinet would be rather cramped ...lol!!!!
We all seem to have a great fit in our mates
Now your girl is going to see that and say "Oh so you want to go around clubbing women huh? And have your way with them? Then go get them and I'll see ya later....." jk..We all seem to have a great fit in our women although miune won't even go into the grow room because she says she doesn't want to know anything about it, just smoke it.....
futures so bright I gotta we\here shades ... ain't that a song from like 30 years ago?
shit that should some with a sunglasses advised warning
many many thanks ... most appreciated.
Wow, Tahoe.
Great growin' and journal, man.
Awesome pictorials too! (..and those avatars have some nice
pectorals. Ha!
...Anyway, better late than never I guess.
I'm gonna' finish this one out wit y'all

it gonna be a christmas with some fabulous variety ... I still think I'ma gonna grow some shrooms for Chiristmas ... they beel oads of fun!
Looks like your gonna have a very nice christmas.. Top shelf grow..
Canon Rebel XTi (I think its the D350 in the US), new in June 2005 - itching to git me a new one..... (using upgraded lens 17-85mm f2.8? I think)
tahoe what type of camera are you taking those pictures with?......
a minimum of 6" seems adequate. But that is still experimental for sure. For sure any closer and you get vegetative damage.
Hey Tahoe. How far away do you keep your UVB bulbs from your plants and how strong are they?
hahahaha glad you think so .... maybe I'll see .....
dude you should post that pic in the TGA growers club thread! its bitchin!
And Coming Up Next - the CHOP photos of the GooeyBreeder (PurpleGooey) - she trimmed up really nice. Considering some of the growing challenges I am pretty thrilled with the yield from that single plant. The laying horizontal gave significant benefits to the side branches and I had many small branches, each with buds and a top. The smell is Ultra_Sweet and floral, and very pleasant and deep scent. The trimmed buds have fabulous colour as well. I am so thrilled with this being my first attempt at a purp .... and crystals crystals everywhere.