many many thanks for your visit and thoughts .... everyone .... so so incredibly appreciated.
hey man thanks! I still can't quite believe it.
Your plants are some of the most resinious I've seen. Just beautiful.
yea I can't friggin wait ... should be da bomb ....
Fuck me running, I want to see those cured for like 2-3 months. It will be absurd!
well, by leeching you mean lettin 'em dry up before choppin? yes ... though I gave them water again yesterday that's probably the last one. I've been spacing out the final waterings by several days and allowing for almost complete dryness or at least very parched.
Did you already leech them or do you do that?
hahahahaha ... DrG ... I can count on u for the reciprocal yyeehhaawwww!! ~~~~~~ !! many many thanks!

hahaha ... jsut too stoned ... yup ....
yes they are nice to look at, i prefer looking at pics of mine rather than the live look for somereason cant think why tho too stoned as normal lol.
when where will it end .... a couple more days I do believe ...
woooooooo haaaaaaw they just keep getting better and better T
most certainly .... you are invited to do so ....
gonna steal this pic to show me mate lol
hahahahah .... YGF ...good to see you again!!
Damn do you expect someone to read the thread when you have those avatars?.....My mind tells my eyes to read the content and my eyes tell my mind to eat shit and die...I'm coming to Canada and you have to introduce me to some o' these canuck, what was the subject of the thread???
thanks man .... I am sold and recommend for sure!
fffffff tahoe
someone's getting +repped for having such beautiful specimen.
I'd love to get my hands on some DQ now.
thanks GC .... many thanks for your visit.
Nice crescendo! It just doesn't get any better than that... carpet O' trichs.
hahahaha well I could postulate, but I'd probably have to go change my pants. lol!
What the hell is she pointing at anyway?
fur coats.
i think she must work part time as a coat stand
I tell you, fur coats. LOL!!
Avatar bump ... priceless man! thanks!!

avatar bump!!! LOL