hey there DrG ... many thanks for your kind and supportive words as always ... And many thanks for the bump!! hahahaha!! Walking and Rocking and Tokin On!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

awesome pics as always buddy,, you set the bar dude!! beautiful pictures are a standard in this journal. ~Walk and Rock On!
I just had to bump this pic

so fuckin, yummy looking!!
hey there, I thought I answered the question about the uv lights - if not then I an not sure what you are asking. Because I do not have any "red" uv lights? the uvb lights I have are the 2 x 160W SolarGlo that I ran for 10hours per day in the first weeks and then cut back to 8 and then 6? My apologies if this is not the answer you are looking for. Can you then possibly provide me some additional details of what your question is? thanks!
hehe i know what ya mean lol.
umm ya didnt answer how long did ya run the red uv light for each day?
yea and its all there will waltz through and read piece, which I actually do cuz it brings back different memories of what might have been going on at the time. I'll be doing another, but not for a few months. I'ma hoping my next one will start indoors, and move outdoors. But that a mere plan at the moment.
Dam man lookes great i missed the grow but will be looking out for the next one keep up the good work!!!!!!
hi-ho ... hi-ho, hiho-hiho hiho and off to the garden I go .... hahahaha!
another happy camper at RIU....it doesn't get better than this, eh?...
permasmiles ...hahahaha!
Theres gonna be smiles all roun din the Tahoe residence!!! Sooo nice m8ty!!
thanks man ...
daaaaamn Tahoe, fine work fella! great snaps
hahahaha .... westy .... giving away perfectly good and viable plants? Did I hear you say you were a little impetuous? hahahaha! j/k. I fully support ANYTHING that makes the DQ more prevelant in our modern society .... leave the pleebs the JTR .... hahahaha! Pho Da GanJa Royalty though, we be a different class of folk .... cheese, cheese more cheese sprinkled with C99 sir please hahahaha! j/k. LOL!
Unfuckingbelivable. Im gonna plant all my dq's as soon as ive emptied my veg room lol. Does anyone want a couple of girls who are ready for flower? They in 11ltr pots in coco both have preflowered and are genuine females of the jack the ripper strain, free to a good home lol

that be the plan ... either that or I'ma moving to BAJA SUD ... lots of yearround there ....
pitty u guys cant just do indoor/outdoor.
a house and a baby in the same deal ... now THAT rocks!! boffing on westy boffin on!!~~~~~~~~
pitty i aint got a bigger flat lol. Might have to get the mrs prega and geta council house lmao.