thanks man .... much appreciated!! that it is, that it is ... makes for some pretty fukin dreamy times ... like pretty much most days now ... get up make some money and dream ...
That looks like some extraordinary smoke T
they be coming .... too many peeps around ...
so how bout that Dairy Queen Dankness?
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
yeah, aint heard bout the dq in a while. Whats the story on her?
thanks man ... my leaves are all going really dark too ... and frosty ... I can't wait to show them .... let alone wait for her to be completely done ... the early stuff I too was WAY WAY too early .... but STILL KIllER!!
Mine has the leaf structure and the purple stems but doesn't have the funk. I'm in my 5th week with it. Looks good but not as frosty as yours.....
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
I concur that I would like to hear about this DQ Dankness.
I also wish I could visit this webpage while at work on the PC all day.
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over due pics of the dq Tahoe..
you know waht they say round these parts pics or...... it didnt happen.
yes 2 x 160W SolarGlo reptile lamps. I think it has made a difference. The extent and dregree of improvement? who knows, but I do know I get fully wasted. Walk on!!!~~~~~~
hey there tahoe, seein as ho i am a lazy stoner, Theres no way Im gonna read 171 pages of posts, soo...
Just wanted to know if you were using supplemental UV-b Light?
If so how was the results?
I have read alot in regards to this but have never actually seen someone implement it to see if it really works..
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
im about to call it.........
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
we want DQ, we want DQ......
The PG is looking really special. the DQ premature bud is like breaking off a chunk of hash its so packed with crystals and resin ... I cannot imagine what the finished buds are going to be like.
I bought an oz of Afgooey a few years back and it is one of the top 5 best buds I have ever had. It was 1, 20 gram bud and a few smaller buds. The 20 gram bud was so sticky that you could literally pick it up by pressing your finger on it

You could tell it was cured and was almost blonde in color and had a slight spiciness and a very cerebral high.
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
i wanna see the

they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
self employed...... I can check RIU all day at work
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
Tahoe, ya killing us buddy!! Popular demand wants Pics!!! Bust out the DQ baby!!!LOL
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
uhhhhh, yeah, what he said.....
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
Come on T your fans are waiting
they be coming .... too many peeps around ....
Maybe tahoes cut the dq and theres nothing more to tell on her???
I'm really soorrrry folks. Really. I have been wanting to take some and put them up but my world has been a little hectic and overflowing ..... I expect that tomorrow night (I know I said that last week). I gues the upsdie to all this is that they are really really really gonna be wroth the wait cuz .... I am stunned and their continued maturation. I am thinking these are just gonna keep going and going and going ..... I promise I will do it tomorrow.. probably in the evening (MST).
Walkin on into A Halloween Night with Marianas Trench and my daughter and her friends. I'm so happy to still be included in their lives .... This should be a BLAST>!!!~~~~~~~~~~