eat smell smoke stare at, adore .... this stuff has a beautiful aroma and the colour thing of course ...this is my first purple .... I'll get some DQ pics today I do believe and will post as well.
That looks good enough to eat!!

Sounds like a relaxing weekend! Bring on the DQ pics.
yupper ... fun with frosty .... pretty much says it! 'cept the frosty outside stayed outside - I'ma gittin tired of winter ... must be getting old.
wow thats a pretty ass bud! i bet u did have fun wit all your frosted treats!
thanks man ... appreciate your visit and thoughts. I spent many many a day week month living in the bush being a wildlife biologist and all, but yup, the odd pampering from a seven star hotel never killed anyone ... but my romp around aussie was down in hostels and it was a blast. I did sneak in a decent hotel stay in Townsville before heading out to Magnetic island ....
Great pic T.
As much as love the great outdoors it's nice to be pampered every now and again hey?
A luxury splurge, and some fine ass weed to smoke along the way, man, I jump on those waves all the time dude
hey man many thanks for popping in .... shining on .... I'll get the DQer's up a lil'later .... excellent for u with your one DQgirl .... tough when only one though huh! good luck!!
hmmmm purple gooey goodness! looks good enough to eat T!
good work on the R&R man everyone needs a lil pampering now n again!
bring it with the DQ pics im dying to see them! mine are just showing hairs n one with nadgers
shine on T
hey man .. thanks ... I believe this purple will shine on .... the larger terminal buds are really really pretty .... and the scent is full and rish ... I'ma looking forward to this stuff ...
Most appreciate all the traffic and comments and visits. It really makes this whole hobby a little more special with the community that has developed.
And if I'm gonna be high and ramble on 'n ramblin on I can do ....hahahaha, whowzbout this? I just had a thought this morning during my second phase W'n'B that with my new found variety (all of three ... hahahaha) what used to be my staple, my dear old top44, and a very reliable and fun stone she has been, but lately been taking second fiddle to my new found thermonuclear buddies. Well, I pulled a curing bud from my top44 mainstay, and I gotta say .... I like my weed. Don't mean to be arrogant or nuthin, just way way freakin happy with my own smoke ...