Hey folks .. thanks for dropping in, I'll have to restock the beverages I'm sure.
Progress - sometimes its even a couple of steps backwards but the key in maintaining your focus. Find out what you value, find out what's important for you, and grab it with both hands!

Well said Tahoe!! There's only one direction worth looking, forward!
easy it is DrG .... one foot in front of the other .... thnks!
Just dropping in and saying HI

take it easy buddy!!And puff tuff
hahahaha ..... that'd be funny ... lol! I blog to the world from the mountaintop! hahaha!
true that man true that! are you actually one of those motivational speaker fellas?!? lol im having visions of you telling no one but trees in your mountain hideaway how to focus all thier good energy n such!
happy growin man
That's gonna remain a full secret ... I shall NEVER tell, LOL! ok mybe for a C-99-GreenCrack-Psychosis-UKCheese-DairyQueen cross ... ok yea for that I will tell.
n seeing as im already rambling.... where do all the smokin cowgirl avitars come from man? is there some specialist cowgirls pornmag im not aware of?
hey man thanks for sharing that most appreciated ...
no worries mate, good to seee you dropping by ... progress is whatever you wanna make, forward, sideways, backwards, its yours to describe and live in whatever way suits you. The challenge is to make the consequences of that choice fit into the rest of society (Or Not...that is also your choice)
Hey tahoe...dropping in to say good morning...
I agree with You completely...dont spend time on worrying and waiting on others or waiting for yourself.....The progress is only thing that matters, and if it benefits you greatly then why not do it....
Its like, im finally got my first indoor setup up....Its like so much of a progress and straight on going, but still, i got a helluva way to go...And im happy that o got that wonderful road ahead of me....Its progress...

Now Everyone - go grab those thoughts and memories and build them into something that has meaning .... for you ..... take those thoughts and memories, and
thermonuclearize them .... spread them around share them ... engage your fellow friends and farmers. The world needs a shot of good energy. Let's give it what she deserves!