Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
I will have pollen from Chernobyl (Trainwreck X Trinity X Jack the Ripper) and AgentOrange (Orange Velvet X JC x SQ (jtr) ) and possibly from Vortex (Genius X P75 X Romulan X Cindy99)..... in your view would either of those be worth doing an cross with? :peace:
i do it all the time. :wink:


Well-Known Member
use it all. mark the branches. take them out of the room and do one small bud site. use a little paint brush. it doesn't take a lot. :)


Well-Known Member
great thanks .... then that is what I will do ..... the males are looking awesome in their new outdoor home. ..... I try and get some recent pics .... cheers and Really appreciate your help!! Walk on!!~~ :peace:
use it all. mark the branches. take them out of the room and do one small bud site. use a little paint brush. it doesn't take a lot. :)


Well-Known Member
yea ... my vortex looks like might be male ..... I'm still waiting for the DQ and MM to show their junk.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I'm being hopeful with my DQ#5. It has all the signs of the Cheese. It has double seration, purple stems and the long narrow leaves. West just posted a pic and the leaves look just like mine..... I got a male Snow Dawg also.....


Well-Known Member
very cool .... I remarked that about my DQ too .... long narrow and very pointy .... I need to look closer for the double serration ... but we'll be waiting and seeing..... thanks for the great feedback ...Walk On!!~~~~

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I'll be updating tomorrow night. I have my son and I try to spend all my time with him when he's here. Also Tuesday will be 10 weeks on the first group in flower and they will be coming down. I have one plant that I took a snip off of and was blown away but can't remember which one it was. The others are all different plants. The clones of the good ones will be on the next harvest in 3 weeks....


Well-Known Member
do you have a pic of the double serration .... I'm sure I can find ...I just thought I'd ask. I don't think my DQ has it though. I just went and looked. I did see that the MM is a girl .... saw a couple of hairs .... and the vortex ... still inconclusive ..... though I'm still saying male on that one .... the DQ ... not out for a decision .

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
There are a few in my thread though I'm not sure haw far back you have to look. It's not the only one that has it though. I can't go in to look right now but I will check later on tonight and get back to you.....


Well-Known Member
excellent ..... many thanks ... yea ....from what I looked at A Lower Leaf ... it did not express this characteristic. I will take a closer look when I get another chance .... many thanks west ......appreciate that .... !


Well-Known Member
ya no shit huh .... I hope I can make mine look sumthin like that .... but fdd has the skills .... in spades!! I'm looking forward to what this girl might become .... walk on!~


Well-Known Member
hey man thanks for theit and the info .... I posted the genetics earlier, and again in post#402 .... sorta wildass outcross with BlackDomina if I decide to seed sumthin .... or a portion thereof .... Walk ing ..On!!~~