Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
thanks SW....I have been thinking about going with molasses and give them 7-10 days of that starting soon here .... I've heard good stuff about that .... and if I recall correctly ... you also continue with other regular nutes? at least up to the last 5-7 days of plain water? and then the drying out period to let the plant extract everything from the plant and push it up to the tops? I am still sort guessing with a lot of that...but essentially I see it as totally stressing the plant at the end to confirm that its time to go into massive resin production?


Well-Known Member
thanks SW....I have been thinking about going with molasses and give them 7-10 days of that starting soon here .... I've heard good stuff about that .... and if I recall correctly ... you also continue with other regular nutes? at least up to the last 5-7 days of plain water? and then the drying out period to let the plant extract everything from the plant and push it up to the tops? I am still sort guessing with a lot of that...but essentially I see it as totally stressing the plant at the end to confirm that its time to go into massive resin production?
Yeah, I feed right up till the end pretty much, but using organic nutes. I just use clean water the last week and do a couple of mini flushes. Molases is supposed to be good though. I used it for it a couple of feeds but then decided to just stick with my BioBizz nutes. I have read the 2nd month flowering is the time to start using Molases though, start off with about a tbsp per gallon, dissolved in hot water and then added to the res/bottle and mixed in.

I believe the plants just finish naturally, when they're ready, assuming good grow conditions etc. That is what I have found with the few grows I have done. It's just part of the life cycle. I'm not really into trying to 'stress' my plants to produce more, including removing fan leaves etc. I just belive in trying to give them optimum conditions and let the gentics that I paid for do the work. But I can totally understand why people try and push their plants more and more, afterall, we all want the most bud!


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for the extended reply. appreciate that info. I am totally with you on letting the plant do what its genetic optimum is under the conditions provided. It's certainly worked so far. so if I feel like there are about +/- 3 weeks left....then doing the molasses for the period now through next week and then leave the last 5-7 days for nutes and clean water only? sorry if I'm misunderstanding....


Well-Known Member
I would say just water only the last couple days, that way the plant can use up any nutes that are left in its system. I would think that would make a better tasting smoke. The only way to find out would to be do some with nutes and some without the last week. Has anyone done this, I some some must have......or at least will be able to soon, I know someone on here is close to this stage.


Well-Known Member
yea....I'm thinking exactly that....just water in the last days....and then I have heard that a great result can come from in essence starving them at the very end (say 3-4 days?)....letting the pots dry out almost entirely.....and this will mimic and signal the "end of growing season". so the plants will automatically try to extract as much as possible at the very end before they die. But more than anything, I will just be watching and listening to what the plants are telling me.... thanks for all the feedback!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member

Check out the effects of fish emulsion in lieu of molasses. :idea:
Very old school.:hump:

It does however, have a 'certain' ambiance about it.:weed:


Well-Known Member
well lookkey here...I was cleaning up some stuff and found a box that I did not open when my BloomBox arrived. They gave me a years worth of Advance Nutrients (SensiOne Grow and Bloom, BigBud powder, Overdive, and Voodoojuice)...and I haven't been using any of it! hahahahahaha....oh well. The reality is I had started prior to getting the BloomBox and had a regime in place....and it has worked pretty well.

So I'm thinking, do I f*ck with it now and start using some of these - like the BB powder, and Overdrive.....and maybe even the root enhancer? or leave well enough alone? and go with what I am doing and add molasses to carboup the girls? I would appreciate anyones feedback on this?:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
running well within the pack for sure....so leaving well enough alone is probably the right choice...seems to me that this is what my gut is telling me....


Well-Known Member
What? Tahoe, man, you have to use it! You should use the Big Bud for the first 4 weeks of bloom then switch to Overdrive. Check out Advancednutrients.com, they have a nutrient calculator, you can adjust how aggressive you want your feed, and how many weeks you will be blooming for...Check it! Oh yeah, you have to choose your feed type, you would click on Sensi two part,or high yield kit, then pick your feed strength..GL


Well-Known Member
oh....cool...DC....checked that out.....read some more, and looked at the site again, and then read some more again....and have I decided that I will use the BigBud and Overdrive.....and finish the girls off this this "mix" for now, and not change the other parts. these would be additional right now anyhow...so I feel comfortable with that approach. We'll keep a good look on it all.

I went through another 20lb CO2 bottle in 7 days....I still feel like I might have something no quite set up...I refliied to bottle and hooked it back up again...being very careful with only cracking the bottle open just the tiniest bit and see if that makes a difference. I have had one person tell me that if the plants are really drinking it up...then that would not surprise him.....but in 10 days first bottle and 7 days second bottle....seems like it has to be a leak....but I have no other reference to measure from?


Well-Known Member
thanks fg.....I wish you luck as well.....hope all works out for you as you expect it to...cheers!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
Man, just wanted to say you're doing a helluva job!

I think you should leave well enough alone and finish these ones the way you started and get on the new stuff on a new class of plants. Just my $.02.

Farm Hard


Well-Known Member
thanks RMH...I hear ya.....I am thinking of just adding the finishing nutes as mentioned above that I would of had to come up with some plan...and that seems to fit...but will not be changing anything else. thanks for your input....cheers!


Well-Known Member
Tahoe, don't even think about spider mites...But if you do end up with them, they are easy to get rid of if you stick to a plan, and see it through...I have killed many a-bug!


Well-Known Member
haahahahaha....good plan.....I'll keep ya in mind....but being winter 'n all here....I don't expect there much chance....but hey....you didn't hear it from me.....ahahahahaha
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