Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

Yeah, as I mentioned before, I loathe couchlock. I really like the option of getting up and moving around.

For sure man, miss me with the couchlock trees. I'm a sativa fiend at heart, but I still love some nice OG. Your Tahoe looks amazing bro, wish I could grip up some of that for my collection.

For sure man, miss me with the couchlock trees. I'm a sativa fiend at heart, but I still love some nice OG. Your Tahoe looks amazing bro, wish I could grip up some of that for my collection.


OG's are primarily made up of varying ratios of indica/sativa. I think most of them are hybrids. Such is the magic of OG's. Their different characteristics are dictated by how much sativa or indica is in the plant's genetics. That's why OG Kush is a self-contained world. Whether you like to be up or down or somewhere in the middle, OG Kush strains have it all covered. I smoke nothing else unless it's free.

Peace, buddy. And thanks for the kind comment.
I can smell it from my room now with the door closed.

I'm starting to feel bad for my roommate a little. I bought a couple of extra scented candles for her.
Are you using filters Jin? I just bought a Wilco Filter today, it uses low density carbon, instead of high density, and is actually really light weight.

p.s Endlys on the 600 was asking about RO water and after processing your RO how quickly can it be used, straight away?....I told him to ask you but things go missing in the 600 thread....


Okay, this is a shot of a baby bud leaf off the fluff I chopped a few days ago. See? Do I know what I'm talking about or what?

And now to a bit of a preview of Femcult's Games and Toys section. As you might have guessed from the above photos, I was in RadioShack today. It's right next to my hydro supply store so I thought what the hell.

And look at these awesome little robots I found. They're Hex Bugs and apparently there is already a geek culture built around this line of toys. I got them-- for my little cousin. Yeah, that's it.



The big walking spider is remote controlled!


The ant has sensors built into its front and back. This one is designed for speed.

Okay, okay... so 'my little cousin' is married and has a kid of his own. These are for me and Anton.
Are you using filters Jin? I just bought a Wilco Filter today, it uses low density carbon, instead of high density, and is actually really light weight.

p.s Endlys on the 600 was asking about RO water and after processing your RO how quickly can it be used, straight away?....I told him to ask you but things go missing in the 600 thread....

I have a huge carbon scrubber that my exhaust blower pulls through. I need to change it. But even when it's new, OG's kinda' laugh at it.

Yes, use RO filtered water immediately no problem.

Okay, okay... so 'my little cousin' is married and has a kid of his own. These are for me and Anton.

Yeah, you are a dude alright. Me too... And a geek. I bought the exact same microscope for around $10 a little over a year ago. Then bought more as stocking stuffers for my older brothers. Actually does the job well. I used it for checking the pins on the back of a CPU. Big boys and our toys. I'm gonna like this Femcult thing.

If Anton isn't scared shitless of those mechanical bugs, then he's very unique. You never know, cats are all different. Forrest runs away from mechanical mice.
Alright, they're pouring out of the cab now. With the microscopic verification and branches lying down, I'm now certain five more days would be too long. Chopping tomorrow morning. 50 day finish. Bam.




Okay, so now that I've gotten high and had a chance to play with my Hex Bug Robots, on to the review.

The Ant:

Dave, Anton loves this thing as much as I do. He's baffled by it, follows it around, and after a few minutes, takes to stalking it and pounces. Its 'wheels' are designed to run ideally on carpet. It really grabs. It can climb over large extension cords too. Awesome.

But it's all about the spider, boys and girls. Man, this thing is the shit. You don't really expect it to do what it does when you buy it. I mean, it says 'Robot Spider' but is it really that? Does it really walk around? This thing is freaking awesome! It does just that! It walks forward, and in reverse. The right and left buttons on the remote rotate its head so that you can change the direction of forward momentum depending on which direction the head is facing. They didn't have shit like this when I was little.

It has already engaged in face to face combat with a 25 pound cat and come away unscathed.

Pictures don't really do it justice. I have to shoot a video of it in action. And there's a wide selection of different creatures of varying sizes. Oh man, I'm addicted to robotic toys.
Bullshit, 51, no?
Looks beautiful, I see you decided to stuff em' last minute, friedtips and such.

Yeah, I couldn't resist my urge to feed them completely. :D But compared to Diablo, a Garden of Eden of leaf health.

I'm hitting the harvest trail first thing in the morning, so I don't count tomorrow.
Alright, they're pouring out of the cab now. With the microscopic verification and branches lying down, I'm now certain five more days would be too long. Chopping tomorrow morning. 50 day finish. Bam.





Dude, this is beautiful. Like something you make a background with... †LOL†