Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
i never thought a veg journal could be so interesting....

Always a class act jin. :clap:good stuff...

ps.....i like the wrestling reference ....:-P


Active Member
looking good....

Sorry for the wrestling theme, I couldn't think of anything else.

See that poker there? That's the first poker. I'll let it grow vertically a little more and then tuck it down.

They're still rollin' pretty good. Putting on good size every day, but not growing like the Incredible Hulk. I think we'll be just fine during flower. We're going to have to coax these girls a bit more to fill that screen. Which is fine with me, because although alien growth is great to watch, I'd rather it take a little longer if I can control it better.

A few closeups. Dig that leaf health. Those purps are amazing.



Well-Known Member
Wow the purple hues in the stems and the deep lush green color of your leaves is beautiful. This is making me want to grow some OG next year... lol. And to scrog it (pretty sure I am :grin:)!


Active Member
awesome grow journal m8. see youve put plenty of effort and commitment into it. great!!! also the scrog coming along lovely. ill be watching and comparing to mine lol:peace:


Well-Known Member
i put some of your pics up on my journal... and your link....
hope u dont mind...
post continued on next page...(this double posted ...technical problems)
Not at all. I'm glad you approve.

i never thought a veg journal could be so interesting....

Always a class act jin. :clap:good stuff...

ps.....i like the wrestling reference ....:-P
Hey, as long as you like it.

looking good....
Thanks, Dear!

Wow the purple hues in the stems and the deep lush green color of your leaves is beautiful. This is making me want to grow some OG next year... lol. And to scrog it (pretty sure I am :grin:)!
The world would indeed be a better place if everyone grew just a little OG Kush.


Well-Known Member
awesome grow journal m8. see youve put plenty of effort and commitment into it. great!!! also the scrog coming along lovely. ill be watching and comparing to mine lol:peace:
Hello from across the pond. bongsmilie

I wish my plants were gonna grow powerfully stout like that Wonder Woman you got going. Nice work (drool). No, no, no... I'm gonna have a lanky jungle to contend with... but I'm being as forceful as I can early on as you can see.

Thanks for commenting.


Active Member
Hello from across the pond. bongsmilie

I wish my plants were gonna grow powerfully stout like that Wonder Woman you got going. Nice work (drool). No, no, no... I'm gonna have a lanky jungle to contend with... but I'm being as forceful as I can early on as you can see.

Thanks for commenting.
my pleasure. and those ladies may surprise you. that is my 1st scrog and i never thought it would look like that in a million years. just kinda come together with the help of plenty trimming, planning ahead with my routes and of course loadz of TLC. not a difficult technique at all and will definitely do it again. keep doing what your doing and yours will be a bulging bud canopy. best of luck bro.:clap:


Well-Known Member
This is what they DIDN'T teach me in junior high horticulture. Here are those side view shots you like, Dave. Note how little P2 is headed right for the screen. Not like Big Bertha, but isn't she cute?

And the mighty P1. This plant is certainly not to be trifled with. Look how much thicker it got since the last side view shot.

P2. You gotta love her. Look at those little lower branches just reaching for the stars.

And the secondary head of P1. She's just a pure beauty.

Caught a deep whiff while taking this photo. Wow just wow. A piercing herbal smell the likes of which promises to be the best bud I've ever grown. This shot's for you, Cheeze. Post it on your thread.

A nice canopy is forming. Can Uncle Jin control it? I can't stand the suspense.


Well-Known Member
my pleasure. and those ladies may surprise you. that is my 1st scrog and i never thought it would look like that in a million years. just kinda come together with the help of plenty trimming, planning ahead with my routes and of course loadz of TLC. not a difficult technique at all and will definitely do it again. keep doing what your doing and yours will be a bulging bud canopy. best of luck bro.:clap:
First scrog but not first grow I would imagine. Same here. I've had loads of experience training, but the cage is a first for me. I can visualize perfectly how the trellis is supposed to be used based on all the times I've watched plants develop before, so I'm hoping for results somewhere near as successful as your first attempt. Yeah, that would make me very happy.


Well-Known Member
Y'know how I had a Liquid Koolbloom fixation? Well as if that wasn't bad enough, this is Mother Earth Super Tea. And it's actually tea that they recommend straining before injecting into your res. Reapeat: It's actually tea. It smells like tea. It's okay to drink tea, isn't it? Man, the plants sure seem to love it. Now I wonder how many will read this and buy this product? Damn, these bastards should be paying me.

There is something strangely appealing about giving your plants a cool drink of tea.


Active Member
**Note, I can go crazy with pumps and airstones because my flow will be piped into my chiller which keeps it real cold.
Are you currently using a chiller? what kind? I started running mine yesterday and noticed a big jump in room temp.

Here are those pics of the UC.

180 lpm air pump

This is my mother tote with a reverse scrog...


Well-Known Member
Are you currently using a chiller? what kind? I started running mine yesterday and noticed a big jump in room temp.

Here are those pics of the UC.

This is my mother tote with a reverse scrog...
Dude, you are officially my hero. Super tight, super pro. You've totally inspired me to do my UC grow room. That is just marvelous. Thanks for posting. Your pix give me the chills... that's how you know I'm obsessed with the idea of UC growing and I smoke too much OGK.

Now you're saying your chiller heats up your room? It is basically a little compressor unit like an ac or fridge and it kicks off some heat, but it should be minimal.


Well-Known Member

Brilliant. I can totally visualize doing it much like this only with a larger tote. I'll have a secondary drive pump in there shooting water to the sprayers. This will also be where my auto-topper dumps when the level goes down. Yes, yes... very good.

Now I'll have to ask you for guidance when I build, cuz it looks like you've mastered water-tightness.


Active Member

Now this is brilliant. I can totally visualize doing it much like this only with a larger tote. I'll have a secondary drive pump in there shooting water to the sprayers.
I almost trashed this Epicenter tote for one of my veg totes... but I already had it built, I might still switch it out during a rez change this grow.... I think the more nute capacity in reserve the better when the plants really start to eat & drink during flowering.

I didn't think this 1/4hp chiller would have to run so long to cool down my 60 gallons of water, the exhaust it puts out is pretty damn hot! with copious amounts of it blowing all over my veg room =(


Well-Known Member
I almost trashed this Epicenter tote for one of my veg totes... but I already had it built, I might still switch it out during a rez change this grow.... I think the more nute capacity in reserve the better when the plants really start to eat & drink during flowering.

I didn't think this 1/4hp chiller would have to run so long to cool down my 60 gallons of water, the exhaust it puts out is pretty damn hot! with copious amounts of it blowing all over my veg room =(
Any way you can separate it? It's great that it's chilling your water, but man, that heat. It's because you have the big one. I'm running the 1/10. It's a baby compared to yours. It kicks off very little heat and runs very quietly. It's rated at 60-80 gallon capacity and I believe it. I think it would be able to handle your 60 gallon system no problem. Even if it has to run a long cool cycle, it runs very cool. It's the unit I plan on using. I'll prolly buy the smaller 1/13 for my current box and use the 1/10 I have now for my UC. Edit: I'm also running a different model. Mine is AquaEuro USA, yours is that EcoPlus model. I wonder if the larger AquaEuro model would run cooler? I bet it would.

Would you mind posting a pic of how you have your master pump rigged?

Oh, I think I see how you have your pump rigged. Is that the only one? What's the Gph rating on that? I have pretty good heavy duty inline mag driver I'm saving for the occasion. God, I hope I didn't throw it away by accident. Shit... Anyway, I forget what it's rated at, but it's a monster. If and when I ever build a UC, I would hook that sucker up directly to pvc plumbing driving the flow.


Active Member

I'm going to move the pump to the other side of the wall closer to the start of the 3/4" return line. I think inline pumps have a more difficult time sucking water through a tube than pushing water through a tube . The 3/4" flex tubing I'm using is to stiff and I've had to do some crazy piping to get it to the chiller and back. I'm not happy with it and will rearrange with softer tubing later in the week.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to move the pump to the other side of the wall closer to the start of the 3/4" return line. I think inline pumps have a more difficult time sucking water through a tube than pushing water through a tube . The 3/4" flex tubing I'm using is to stiff and I've had to do some crazy piping to get it to the chiller and back. I'm not happy with it and will rearrange with softer tubing later in the week.
I see. I would switch to a heavy duty pond pump and have it set at ground level very close to the return junction, aiding suction and the back flow has less distance to travel - with the suction and spout fittings on the pump entirely pvc pipe and reducers instead of flex tube. That's how I've seen some other pro builders do it. I also don't see why you couldn't piggy-back more than one pump through the circuit to increase flow. Yeah, you could totally do that. You can make any configuration you want with pvc pipe, T joints, and elbows. There are even three way pvc junctions. I'm gonna make a multi-pump driven flow monster! Lol.