Tahoe og help, its urgent.


Active Member
Anyone reading this please help, I'm not sure what to make of this but I opened the closet when the lights turned on tonight, and my prized tahoe og's leaves are discolored and drooping.
The first thing I checked was the PH, which is at 6.5 So no problems there.
I thought about overnuting being a factor but I don't see how that would happen a week after her first and only feeding. I might be wrong though.
My next guess would be rootbound, but why overnight like that?
I also was thinkingof a cal mag deficinciey?
Please help, I want to do everything I can to save her.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
She appears to be displaying both Phosphorus and Potassium deficiencies. Maybe a bit more towards the Potassium side. Usually, multiple macronute deficiencies means something locking out broad-spectrum nutes like Ph, over/underwatering, roots, etc. How did you test the Ph? You should pull it out of the pot asap and check the roots. If it is not rootbound, mix up a strong organic P&K tea. Make sure to let the soil dry almost completely between waterings.

It's usually safer to let the soil dry well before pulling the plant from the pot but you're in an emergency. Just be careful pulling it out and try to keep the soil & root mass whole.


Active Member
I used a kit I bought from a local garden center, the one where you mix the soil with powder and water with the color chart, I also have a electric ph tester that reads it at 6.5 too. I fed her some nutes just now and I'll update if things go for the better or worse thanks for the quick reply.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
No problem. Sounds like the Ph is covered. Be sure to have a look at the roots and let the soil dry well between waterings. I'd hate for something to block the ferts you're adding.


Active Member
I wouldn't be worried about the plant wilting as much as the powdery mildew issue that u have,and let me tell you it's bad. The powdery mildew has covered most of your plant and the buds in the pics look only about 3 weeks to a month old,by the time your plant is done it will be completely coated with mildew which is not going to be very good to smoke. You do have a small potassium deficiency which isn't that bad but I would let your soil dry out before watering it again,thats probably why your plant is wilting.


Active Member
I think you were right on the money with those deficincies, shes starting to perk up already. Thank you sooooo much for the help, I'll use this thread to keep updating for a bit. I didn't have a chance to look at the roots yet, but seeing her perk up so far is leading me to beleive that her roots are ok.

As for the PM, I've been battling with milk spray and neem, but as of now I cant really use neem from here on in to my understanding. Also, that soil was bone dry almost, I took the pic right after giving her some regular water, and a bit ago, I gave here some bloom nutes.


Active Member
I'm not trying to prove you wrong only defend what I said,and if you look at the pic 1 and 3 you can see the soil is not close to dry but has been watered. Their would be no other way for me to know that unless you told me prior to my last post and you didn't.


Active Member
I'm not trying to prove you wrong only defend what I said,and if you look at the pic 1 and 3 you can see the soil is not close to dry but has been watered. Their would be no other way for me to know that unless you told me prior to my last post and you didn't.
Well, sorry about that misunderstanding there haha, anyways I'll post pics later, her leaves still have some damage from the previous ordeal but shes made a full recovery.