Tafbang Ceiling Light Grow Part 2

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Good grief! Hopefully we've gotten the "hermie" thing figured out, so now can we get back to the real-deal here, tafbang's grow show!
It just doesn't seem right to come into a man's grow thread and start a dust up over "How to deal with hermies?"
Can't we just focus on the subject at hand: 7 foot sativa in a picnic basket, "football sized cola's", "sexy soap", and most importantly, the forthcoming pictures of this enterprise?
Good luck & good grow.......BB

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Feminised seeds which will hermie. So who would want to grow them? Seems like weak seed stock to me.

Long story short. Buying feminised is a lazy mans project and you get what you pay for. Intersexual characteristics.


Well-Known Member
Good grief! Hopefully we've gotten the "hermie" thing figured out, so now can we get back to the real-deal here, tafbang's grow show!
It just doesn't seem right to come into a man's grow thread and start a dust up over "How to deal with hermies?"
Can't we just focus on the subject at hand: 7 foot sativa in a picnic basket, "football sized cola's", "sexy soap", and most importantly, the forthcoming pictures of this enterprise?
Good luck & good grow.......BB
Very valid point, Come on tafbang lets see the dank! woot woot!


Active Member
I just got a message from a dealer who said he wants to give me some samples of some stuff he says is some of the greatest bud he's had, he always hooks me up and comes with some really good quality, I got my seed collection from him throughout the years, never finding more than 1 seed in a bag and only about 1/9 bags have a seed in them.

besides that rambling, he says he has a camera. I'll be back on tomorrow to answer anymore questions and to get these pictures up. 99% chance of pictures tomorrow.
Yeah, and ???? I thought this was a CFL grow? :wall: I'm outta here, going riden

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ain't never comin back :leaf::joint:


Well-Known Member
lmao found this link and had to be here for the ride. no one has put 2 + 2 =4? he doesn't have a camera but somehow he can get those nice close up pics for you to look at? come on now is everyone smoking too much pot or what? subbed anyway for round 2 of this crazy thread


Well-Known Member
Dammit why did you have to bump this. The few pictures I took a few days ago haven't been sent, and I got 1 pic last night that is no good because it's taken at the wrong angle, my plant is bending hard like a boomerang and the picture is lines up with it. Fuck it. I'll post it anyways. I'll try to get better pics, but it's hard to get a fucking camera and my friend is an idiot who doesn't know how to text my pictures to email

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
this grow never existed! it was all a big joke.....this thread is dead and theres your proof that there really is a god.....yawn!


Well-Known Member
I'll try to get the other pics and better ones, it's pretty damn frosty at the top and I'm ashamed of this picture


Well-Known Member
Can you guys quit being stupid please. I've stressed and proved this to be real over 1200 times. quit coming with this bullshit.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Well......there it is......a towering 7 foot sativa, with "football" sized colas! I am truly impressed!!

"quit coming with this bullshit. "
LOL, that was MY line! But I guess it works for you too.......BB


Well-Known Member
That plant grew from one ceiling light? I'm actually happy for you bro. Not trying to be a dick, but don't you have a couple desk lamps that you could surround it with. Def looks like it could use extra light...what are you giving it food wise?


Well-Known Member
I'm using every resource. I'm giving it water food, I heard plants like it...
and yes this plant has been growing for a few months or so with ceiling lights

and thanks for not being a dick. You actually took a little stress off of me from people calling bullshit with all the pics and evidence since day one =\ I has feelings :(

Brick Top

New Member
I'm using every resource. I'm giving it water food, I heard plants like it...
I am curious. What is; "water food?" What company produces it or is it some homemade concoction? Either way I am unfamiliar with; "water food" so if you would be so kind as to educate me as to what; "water food" is I would be most grateful.