Tafbang Ceiling Light Grow Part 2


Well-Known Member
He was already past that point, idiot. He had just begun flowering and I told him you could top and you being the angry man you are said that he can't top at this point... which is a dumb comment as I topped the 1st plant I harvested in the exact same situation as him... he is also growing with a few cfls, the exact same situation I had at the time. could you please wise up for me.

anyways. in the news there was a lady who got 10 years for selling $31 worth of marijuana..... how they came up with $31 was a hmmmm to me. It was also her first ever charge/infraction...... It's pretty crazy, especially since it's supposed to be a class 3 drug now.....


Well-Known Member
He was already past that point, idiot. He had just begun flowering and I told him you could top and you being the angry man you are said that he can't top at this point... which is a dumb comment as I topped the 1st plant I harvested in the exact same situation as him... he is also growing with a few cfls, the exact same situation I had at the time. could you please wise up for me.

anyways. in the news there was a lady who got 10 years for selling $31 worth of marijuana..... how they came up with $31 was a hmmmm to me. It was also her first ever charge/infraction...... It's pretty crazy, especially since it's supposed to be a class 3 drug now.....
You should not top while in flowering, taf. Just because you did it with your outstanding quality plants does not mean that it's a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if you knew the situation. the guy has no space at all in his grow space. they are already touching the lights. it's mandatory for anything to top. But of course you would butt-in to help your buddy out and not even know what the hell you are talking about. But thanks, you're very mature.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if you knew the situation. the guy has no space at all in his grow space. they are already touching the lights. it's mandatory for anything to top. But of course you would butt-in to help your buddy out and not even know what the hell you are talking about. But thanks, you're very mature.
Yes, yes I am taf, thank you. And thanks for actually giving some context rather than spouting off like usual. In that case I'd recommend super cropping, or bending rather than topping, as that can be detrimental to a flowering plant. However, the context does change the situation somewhat. Maturity at work, taf...


Well-Known Member
says the guy who is trying to switch subjects just to 1 up somebody because their only interaction with human beings is on this website. If you have nothing productive to say, just excuse yourself from this thread. you've been warned like 5 times and I think you even said that you aren't ever coming back to this thread... but yet you are still here everyday trying to look cool and going around trying to find people to argue with every single day, and that's not an exaggeration.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot. Just that small act of kindness does a lot. I really appreciate it, I shriek every time I click on my thread, that's how much I dislike it. Too many people here always fighting and hating and have the need to state contradicting opinions just to spark an argument for whatever their personal problems are.


Well-Known Member
says the guy who is trying to switch subjects just to 1 up somebody because their only interaction with human beings is on this website. If you have nothing productive to say, just excuse yourself from this thread. you've been warned like 5 times and I think you even said that you aren't ever coming back to this thread... but yet you are still here everyday trying to look cool and going around trying to find people to argue with every single day, and that's not an exaggeration.
lol. lol. lol. Even when I try to be nice to you... I interact with anywhere between 10-50 people any given day, this site occupies about two hours of my time daily, but thanks for the assumption. Did you even read my reply? It doesn't sound like it from reading yours, whatever man. You're hopeless. Back on ignore you go...


Well-Known Member
lol. lol. lol. Even when I try to be nice to you... I interact with anywhere between 10-50 people any given day, this site occupies about two hours of my time daily, but thanks for the assumption. Did you even read my reply? It doesn't sound like it from reading yours, whatever man. You're hopeless. Back on ignore you go...
Cool starry bra


Well-Known Member
He was already past that point, idiot. He had just begun flowering and I told him you could top and you being the angry man you are said that he can't top at this point... which is a dumb comment as I topped the 1st plant I harvested in the exact same situation as him... he is also growing with a few cfls, the exact same situation I had at the time. could you please wise up for me.
you can top while flowering, but it is not the best idea. a better idea would be to supercrop or LST.

anyways. in the news there was a lady who got 10 years for selling $31 worth of marijuana..... how they came up with $31 was a hmmmm to me. It was also her first ever charge/infraction...... It's pretty crazy, especially since it's supposed to be a class 3 drug now.....

by the way, cannabis is a schedule 1 narcotic (except in oregon). for your edification.


Well-Known Member
Picture of the setup at the beginning of grow, only used 3x warm light cfls for about a month

We all know you are in a very dark place right now.

You're feeling as if sweet death is your only release.

Don't do it little plant!

For the love of god, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Gee....whatever became of THAT camera? Seems to take a nice clear picture and would be able to capture the
7 foot sativa with ease...and very clearly too. Whatever became of THAT camera?.............stand by.........