Tacos First Outdoor Grow


Active Member
Started of with 3 little plants that i started in winter on my windowsill, then onto the roof, then out in the bush straight into plain soil pretty much (i mixed a bit of blood and bone into the soil, only thing at home i had that would help). All was going well until a deer came along and munched 2 of my plants, with only 1 left, being the fool that i am, i gave it to much thrive and killed it :( .

For no apparent reason, went back to the spot a couple weeks later and found one of the plants that got munched had regrown! and now seems to have two main branches instead of the one

I have no idea what im doing really,so what should i do? any help would be greatly appreciated!! oh yea, im in Australia NSW...

taco415:peace: :cool:



Well-Known Member
Looks good :hump: Maybe you should surround it with some chicken wire to keep the animals away


Active Member
cheers man, yea the spot its in is really hard to get to, i have to crawl under thorns to get too it, i already put chicken wire in the spot i think the deer got through.
uhh put a milk crate over it a deer can trample a chiken wire and with the crate it still gets lots of sun and wind if your plant out grows the crate cut the bottom out put it on toop of your plant and add another crate this shuld work unless your trying to hide it also MAKE A CLONE OF YOUR ONLY PLANT FOR BACK UP!!!!


Well-Known Member
You def need some kind of chicken wire, and i hope you have a water source nearby, or have a few pack mules to carry a shit load of water.