Taco leaves

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
Looks like I need some advice again.
This is my Northern Lights plant on day 9 of 12/12 lighting.


Seems only one side is mainly affected and mostly lower/older leaves.
Then there is a tacoing leaf right on top next to very healthy looking leaves.


I am growing under 240w LED and 4 t5's on the sides.
Five gallon DWC buckets, pH was 5.8 last night, 6.5 this morning.
Temps are currently 69f after dropping to 61f over night.
Nutes are at half strength after some leaf tip browning and ppm is ~500.


Thanks for looking! All help greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
"Taco" leaves invert the opposite way of yours, which would indicate a cal/mag deficiency. Your problem looks like over watering to me. Let the medium dry out more before watering each time.

Green Thumb MN

Active Member
"Taco" leaves invert the opposite way of yours, which would indicate a cal/mag deficiency. Your problem looks like over watering to me. Let the medium dry out more before watering each time.
Thank you for the reply. I am growing in DWC hydro. Maybe low oxygen, but probably not over watering.


Well-Known Member
Try lowering your water level some. As long as the roots are hanging in solution you'll be fine. Sometimes what happens if the water level is too high, the bubbles from airstones causes the bottom of the net pot to stay too wet and this causes the same effect as over watering.


Well-Known Member
Five gallon DWC buckets, pH was 5.8 last night, 6.5 this morning
Crazy pH rebound could be making your nutrient solution lock out.
If you had better water it wouldn't rebound like that.
There's good aeration of the nutrient solution?


Well-Known Member
"Taco" leaves invert the opposite way of yours, which would indicate a cal/mag deficiency. Your problem looks like over watering to me. Let the medium dry out more before watering each time.
Five gallon DWC buckets