taco leafs and yellowing help

wat could be wrong with my plants top cola leafs yellowing and its only 1st day of 4th week and also looking like a taco so wat should i do all other leafs or green and looking healthy buy thoes ones. all the huge fan leafs are a lime green color look like they wanna go yellow help plz



Active Member
Looks like the ph is off. It could be over/under watering, heat and so forth, so we might need to know a few things:
soil or hydro
have you changed the nute amount lately
how often are you feeding them
what is the temp and humidity in the grow room
what is the ph

Usually once that gets sorted out it is a little easier to see where the issue is.
soil have no idea wat kind of soil i was given this plant

it was high at first got a tiny burnt so i lowered it down

i am giving them nutes every other day

temp is around 83

ph i live in a city so i am getting around 7.5 ph water
see the big fan leaf color its like lime green here is a week into flowering look how it used to look green of it. i never flushed when switching to flowering



Active Member
You will want to make sure the soil ph is 6-6.5. Cannabis prefers a more acidic soil. Some magnesium sulfate should do the trick.


Active Member
Salt could be a possibility, so flushing it would probably be a good idea. Biggest thing is that if your ph is off, the plant is unable to take up any of the nutes, so once it is corrected the plant starts getting what it needs. I have found with personal expereince that deficiencies will develop kinda slow, whereas too much will show up quick and agressive. You don't seem to have major issues, just a slight adjustment and you are good.
and to flush i just put 2x water to soil then just let dry out pretty much or am i missing sumthing never flushed a plant before and is it a 1 time thing
if i dont water by atleast 3 they will be so wilted it almost looks dead i have done it already i came home at 4 oclock and the plant i thought was dead thats how badly wilted it was, i water everyday at 1:30pm 2 cups of water my lights turn on at 9am and off by 9pm never wilted till that one day i came home at 4 oclock
i found this post on a site witch should i do if i need to flush



There are 3 types of flushing.
1- Flushing for maintenance.
2- Flushing for health.
3- Flushing for Taste.

1) Flushing for maintenance This is a reguar flushing used to rid your plants and their containers of any Fertilizer(salt) build up. The norm is 2-3 times water as the size of the container. IE...3 gallon container needs 6-9 gallons of water run through it. A regular schedual of 3-4 weeks is best for this type of flushing. A 1/2 to full strength dose of fertilizer with the final flush is suggested.

2) Flushing for health This is emergency flushing. This for the "not to good looking" plant. This is to rid your plant and it's medium of any baddies. Like flushing for maintenence you use 2-3 times the amount of water per size container. A additive like Oxygen Plus or regular peroxide(diluted to proper strength) should be added to boost the oxygen content to the roots with the final flush along with a 1/4 strength dose of fertilizer.

3) Flushing for taste This is the final flush. You use the same amount of water as the previous types but this flushing is done 1-2 weeks prior to harvest. The idea with this flush is to help the plant use reserves of fertilizers in the medium and in the plant. No additives or fertilizers are to be used with this flush unless it's one designed for the purpose (yes there are some too). Some hydro growers run clear water the last 4 to 7 days to flush. The neccessity of this flush is highly debated amongst growers.

I hope this helps to clear up the term flushing to some of you newer growers or growers from other countries needing to know what the term means.


Active Member
what you need is a soil ph tester. you can pick 'em up at lowe's for around $15, it will give you soil ph, moisture level, and light meter. If you don't know what the soil ph is exactly when you start, you are guessing and that can cause small problems like this to show up. once you have your soil ph adjusted from 6-6.5, you are good to go with using ph balanced water or nutes. I picked mine up at gander mountain, and I have attached a link so you can get an idea of what I am talking about.
well at the moment i got no money at all but i do got water ph strips thats all got for now so with that said am i scrwed right now or should i just try and flush or just let it go on and see what happens i dont wanna flsuh unless u know that i would have to i would almost think thats the prob cuz i was given this plant and it veged for like 3 months and they did not give it nutes at all just water so idk wat to do i dont want it to die its been a long 4 weeks if i flush with ph balnced water wont it make the soil ph balced


Active Member
Lay off the nutes for a bit, wait a little but longer to feed, maybe every 4 days or so, but when you do feed it water, give it water that is 6.5 and try to feed it directly at the base of the stalk. Not to press the issue but try to get that soil meter as soon as you can, it will help get you in the right direction.


Active Member
"i am giving them nutes every other day"

You are lucky this plant is still alive. This is an incredible amount of fertilizer for a soil pot. I have never seen a fertilizer that recommended fertilizer every other day. Once a week would have been a lot. When leaves yellow from the top down they are suffering from Nitrogen burn. Your leaves also indicate the Ph is off and some of the micro elements can't be taken up. You need to flush for health, as indicated in the above post and get some of these salts out of the soil. Keep the Ph near 6.5-6,8. Upon resuming the fertilizer after the flush I would use a reduced strength until it is time for the final flush. Never exceed the recommendations on the fertilizer label regardless of the brand. More is not better when it comes to fertilizers.
"i am giving them nutes every other day"

You are lucky this plant is still alive. This is an incredible amount of fertilizer for a soil pot. I have never seen a fertilizer that recommended fertilizer every other day. Once a week would have been a lot. When leaves yellow from the top down they are suffering from Nitrogen burn. Your leaves also indicate the Ph is off and some of the micro elements can't be taken up. You need to flush for health, as indicated in the above post and get some of these salts out of the soil. Keep the Ph near 6.5-6,8. Upon resuming the fertilizer after the flush I would use a reduced strength until it is time for the final flush. Never exceed the recommendations on the fertilizer label regardless of the brand. More is not better when it comes to fertilizers.
i am feeding it way under wat it tells me to and when i feed every other day i only water 1 time a day so u r saying go 1 time a week nutes cuz all the other leafs r green green looks like they r loveing it i am giving it reall small amount of nutes
my nutes call for half teaspoon i am giving it way less then half no other leafs r burnt like that at all so i dont get it cuza every one i ran into tell me every other watering even the fox farm chart says every other watering i am useing mg bloom booster and my plant has to be atleast 4 foot tall huge huge fan leafs bigger then my hand has to be a 5 gal to 6 gal pot of soil so rock hard i cant even get my finger a half inch in the dirt.

how mych peroxide per gal of water and do i really need to put peroxide in the water or no and is that for hydroponices cuz i am growing in soil
it could be a Zinc Deficiency but sense its on the older leaves i think it could be a Magnesium deficiency Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing i think you should chill on the nutes and flush her magnesium is a component of the chlorophyll molecule and serves as a cofactor in most enzymes.and contributes to the green color now as yellow


Active Member
The longer the plant stays in this condition, the farther down the yellowing will occur. You are almost finished now so you are close to the final flush in a couple of weeks. You don' want to load the plant with nutes at the end on flowering or this will give the bud a harsh taste. Your rates say 1/2 tsp, but it also gives the frequency of use along with the rates usually. You also stated you didn't know the soil mix and it could have had pre charged nutrients in addition to what you have added. I am just reading the signs and symptoms of your plant and giving you my opinion.

At flowering the fan leaves will slowly yellow as the plant uses the food in the leaves, but this starts at the bottom and works up.

I see now you are using MG bloom booster 15-30-15, don't know why you would use the fox farms schedule if you use MG, you should be using the directions for MG. This is way to much N at flowering. If the plant is dark green now don't use any more fert until you see the leaves starting to turn a lime green and use a reduced rate if you have to fertilize (1/4-1/2). When the Ph is adjusted correctly the burning on the leaf margins on the serrated edge will stop appearing .