Tabacco and Weed Plant


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone!, i just have a simple question. My friend once told me that when he was growing his plant that he would blow tobacco smoke towards it. I always thought it was bad to do this, he says its good. I thought i would post this and see what people have to say. I personally think its wrong i Would not know how it would help, but the fact of tobacco smoke being good? idk lol.
Thank you for your responses :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone!, i just have a simple question. My friend once told me that when he was growing his plant that he would blow tobacco smoke towards it. I always thought it was bad to do this, he says its good. I thought i would post this and see what people have to say. I personally think its wrong i Would not know how it would help, but the fact of tobacco smoke being good? idk lol.
Thank you for your responses :)
This is extremely bad for the plant, DONT DO IT!


Active Member
Lies and slander out to harm your plant. About the only use nicotine smoke could do is for a pest infestation to temporarily stun them you shouldn't smoke a cigarette around your plant or even the same room as your plant.


Well-Known Member
Smoke releases carcinogens (something i'm guessing you're not bothered about if you're blowing smoke, lol) and tar. That tar accumulates on the leaves and blocks up the stomata (the 'breathing holes' in the leaves). This means your plants will not be able to get rid of toxins effectively and cannot exchange CO2 for O2.

Imagine someone sticking a big ball of black, greasy tar in your mouth. Then try and breathe :p

So to answer your question, no. Don't smoke near your plants.


Active Member
nicotine is pesticde in its pure form but ive read everywhere that nicotine is poisen to weed i woudnt do this if i were you


Well-Known Member
All smoke is bad for plants... even pot the tars and resins....
Plus using tobacco for insects you must boil to kill tobac. fungus that can fuck up weed.....


Well-Known Member
I won't comment on the topic except to say do not do it. The previous posters have given quite good advice.

Don't follow the advice of the Weed Baron unless you've seen his secret garden and/or smoked from his harvest.

Even discussing you own grow with a Weed Baron, or anyone else, is risky.

The thread title, however, is intriguing.

Tobacco and Weed Plant. The possibilities are limitless.




Well-Known Member
No i knew he was wrong, just wanted to back up my side with some info. and yes Johnny that would be very intresting, funny thing i made the post and looked at the post title and was like damn people are going to take it the wrong way haha.
p.s canabacco would be a great name for the hybrid plant haha


Active Member
Hey Everyone!, i just have a simple question. My friend once told me that when he was growing his plant that he would blow tobacco smoke towards it. I always thought it was bad to do this, he says its good. I thought i would post this and see what people have to say. I personally think its wrong i Would not know how it would help, but the fact of tobacco smoke being good? idk lol.
Thank you for your responses :)
seriously........itl kill you.......y would the plant want it.........ashes on th other hand are ok iv the soil