t5's + HPS


Active Member
Alright so heres the question...
Wondering if there is any reasoning in using my t5's during flowering WITH my 400w HPS? Will it help at all, does it have a difference in light spectrum, am I smoking too much pot....etc. Any help would be tits, thanks!bongsmilie


Active Member
It would help for sure, and you can change the bulbs to a 2700k and get about the same spectrum as your hps. some believe in mixing spectrums even like using your 6500k bulbs with your hps. no matter what, more light=more buds. and yes i think your smoking too much


Active Member
Awesome, this is the news I was hoping to hear. Any more complications besides a slight increase in heat? My scene is 3'wX2'dX6'h...gonna have 4 purple urkles.


Active Member
nope not in flowering. hammer them with everything you got. make sure you dont veg beyond 2-2 1/2 foot if all you got is 6 foot high space.


Active Member
What do you think in the matter of topping those, with the limited space. I know four is gonna be tight as it is...


Active Member
My buddy has the erkle mother, so I'm not too worried about starting others untilg's the time is right. Eventually will have an extra cab. for starters but will probably just get more t5's for that or possibly use my metal halide since I already have the bulb...
Decisions decisions...


Active Member
In The Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes, he states "Using fluorescents with HID's is awkward and problematic. When using them in conjunction with HID's, fluorescents must be very close to the plants to provide enough intense light to do any good. Fixtures may also shade plants from HID light and generally get in the way." Anyone have any info of actually doing this effectively to maximize potential of both lights...?


Moderatrix of Journals
we supplement our HPS's with t5's and the plants that receive light from both are always the most vigorous.....

and fluorescent lighting has come LONG way since jorge wrote the bible......


Active Member
dollar per lume per year you shold be sure to look into t8s as well as t5s. Ive had great success with t8s for alot less money.


Active Member
we supplement our HPS's with t5's and the plants that receive light from both are always the most vigorous.....

and fluorescent lighting has come LONG way since jorge wrote the bible......
Cool, but how do you position your setup to be effective, being as stated, the fluorescents needing to be much closer then the HPS, thus causing shadow in certain areas. Does this matter...


Moderatrix of Journals
you can take a look at our setup (link in sig) but it's not exactly a closet.
i think the tidbit about the fluoros having to be so close to the HPS so as to cause shadowing is a bit outdated. (pretty sure he's not referring to t5s either.)

in your case, if it were me in a 3 x 2 x 6, i'd probably hang the hps above the plants and put the t5 fixture vertically against one of the walls.