T5ho Lighting Questions, Please help.

Hello RIU peeps!

So im thinking of building a veg room for a perpetual grow (room may be stretching it, its more like a box to keep cuttings for month until flowering, The space I will be utilizing is 39"L x 21"W x 34"h.), but I have some questions regarding lighting.

Would I be better off lighting the space with a 2foot x 6 (54w) bulb fixture, or
would I be better off using a 3foot x 6 (39w) bulb fixture?

I have searched and searched Google, RIU, and other resources, however short of understanding that lumen really don't mean anything to a plant I am at a huge loss mentally in understanding whats the best source of lighting given the choices. (I think a lot of it has to do with not being an experienced indoor grower, and a lack of electrical experience/knowledge) So I am asking if anyone here that truly understands (not believes they understand) could help me, It would be greatly appreciated. Ill update with pictures of the finished room/s as a thank you reward :D. Below I have listed a few links to lighting fixtures I am looking at but again, I don't want to make an investment until I know what the better play would be.

Below are a few links to what I'm looking at buying

Option 1. 54watts
Option 2. 39 Watts (will be asking for the 6500k lights,)

P.S. I will not be using any of the acintic lighting the options 2 is just an example of what I may get depending on which is better. I Know, I know... I was thinking it would be awesome to use uber blu and get some stellar results too, but from what I've read plants above ground wont benefit from these lights.


Well-Known Member
Get # 2.
Then change out the Acentic for warm white t5 in flower.
And swap the moon led for 660 or 730 nm an run em all day.

or I'd buy a Riant 200w induction floro 200$
An never have to change t5 when they get a yr or 2 old..


Well-Known Member
I personally have this light . runs 6 plants easy. grow them 2 foot tall easy.HTG Supply 4 Foot 2 Lamp High Output T5 Fixture

This is another GREAT DEAL from HTGSupply! The HTGSupply 2 Lamp 4 Foot T5 High Output Fluorescent Fixture emits 10,000 Lumens. Sturdy steel construction to last a lifetime.
$49.95 also if you are doing them bigger and more of them like 12 or more get the slim star, 8 bulb 4 footers 220


Well-Known Member
you could use 4 x 3ft t5 daylight tubes and this would do a great job in that space

get some good shades and have the tubes 2" off the tops of the plants, you can veg upto 16 plants 5" wide and 6" tall and keep the electric low (21w per tube) :)
re-pot the plants and give them a week to settle in under a hps and flower

I have 2 3ft t5 tubes in my veg room and they are giving me some great results and only use 42w per hour to run,
Thank you all for the replies, i appreciate the quick feed back. Let me just take a moment to clarify some of the information for some of you that I may not have done such a great job innitialy. The dimensions I listed are not flexible the box is already built so I have to choose between 2-3ft lighting however finding a 36inch T5HO setup has been a real pain in the ass, and the ones that I have found are like stupid expensive... That coupled with "I don't know what would be better the 39w or the 54 watt" ( I dont understand if one is more intense ligting or not/ if it even means anything besides $$ to power them) and here I am scratching my head thinking... "WTF, which of you two is the better bang for my buck/plants?" :P .

That being said, if you guys could please clarify which would be better? and "why" if possible. Also, if the 3footers turn out to be the better buy if anyone has any leads on some less expensive gear it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S.S. I already have 1 2ftX4 (54 watt) bulb... Its in the closet... if you guys want ill snap a few pics and let you see the set up I have right now, if not its cool... its just a closet :P


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the replies, i appreciate the quick feed back. Let me just take a moment to clarify some of the information for some of you that I may not have done such a great job innitialy. The dimensions I listed are not flexible the box is already built so I have to choose between 2-3ft lighting however finding a 36inch T5HO setup has been a real pain in the ass, and the ones that I have found are like stupid expensive... That coupled with "I don't know what would be better the 39w or the 54 watt" ( I dont understand if one is more intense ligting or not/ if it even means anything besides $$ to power them) and here I am scratching my head thinking... "WTF, which of you two is the better bang for my buck/plants?" :P .

That being said, if you guys could please clarify which would be better? and "why" if possible. Also, if the 3footers turn out to be the better buy if anyone has any leads on some less expensive gear it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S.S. I already have 1 2ftX4 (54 watt) bulb... Its in the closet... if you guys want ill snap a few pics and let you see the set up I have right now, if not its cool... its just a closet :P
2ftX4 (54 watt) will work great for 4 plants in veg and flowering under a 600w hps (1m x 1m f/room) , just need to re pot the plants and give the plants a week under a hps to settle in
well I will be using the 2ftx4bulb for the mothers I have (they are currently outside:P will be re vegging them after they finish :P :D) I just want to fill the space with as much light as possible, but I dont know what is a better deal a 2footer or a 3 footer given that they are different watt bulbs.