T5 to 400w HPS


Active Member
I'm currently veging with a 4 bulb 4' t5. It's going well, heat isn't an issue, and the nodes are tight.

When I switch to my 400w hps do I need to do any precautionary things so I don't shock my girl.


Active Member
Thx, ya she's tightly spaced now, so I'm not worrying if I put her 2 feet away to be safe, and I get some stretch.


Well-Known Member
i grow under exactly the same setup (T5 for veg/400w HPS for flower).
I know you said heat is not an issue, but your HPS bulb is going to throw off WAY more heat than the T5. If you don't compensate for the increased heat then your girls will be shocked.
Just keep an eye on your temps.

good luck
