t5 sunlamp and lighting spec


Well-Known Member
my plants are budding under 6500k (blue spec.)how much better or faster would they flower if i chaged to the red spectrum?
Should have posted in the Fluorescent section......but ill help you anyway:) go down to petco or petsmart and wander over to the aquarium section and buy Zoomed florasun (t5) bulbs and replace half of your fixture with them and it will help bud formation immensely compared to your current setup....

good luck and be safe


Well-Known Member
Should have posted in the Fluorescent section......but ill help you anyway:) go down to petco or petsmart and wander over to the aquarium section and buy Zoomed florasun (t5) bulbs and replace half of your fixture with them and it will help bud formation immensely compared to your current setup....

good luck and be safe
Those bulbs are 5000k, still really only for vegging. Maybe more red light than the 6500k lamps, but a better choice would be to pick up some 2700k-3000k lamps.