T5 Questions


Hey guys,

I have just been offered some T5 lights brand new cheap, only problem is they are 4000k, will these guys be suitable for Germination/cloning?



Well-Known Member
High Output T5s work well for everything. You might want to switch the bulbs to a more suitable color spectrum however.
If these are regular T5s they will work for seedlings and clones, just much slower for vegging.
Those regular T5 fixtures are cheap, so I wouldn't pay much for them.
You can get a four foot, two bulb HOT5 for around $39.99 at Home Depot, so cheap shouldn't be much if those aren't High Output.


Well-Known Member
I veg with T5 HO's and the plants love them....(6000k). Rockymtnman is the guy to talk to about flowering under these lights as he does an amazing job with them.


Well-Known Member
I have seen plenty of T8 warehouse type fixtures, but no warehouse type T5s at HD (although they use them in their own overhead lighting). Which ever way you go, make sure it's HO

4000K will work fine, but if height is an issue, you will want to add a few ~6000K

High Output T5s work well for everything. You might want to switch the bulbs to a more suitable color spectrum however.
If these are regular T5s they will work for seedlings and clones, just much slower for vegging.
Those regular T5 fixtures are cheap, so I wouldn't pay much for them.
You can get a four foot, two bulb HOT5 for around $39.99 at Home Depot, so cheap shouldn't be much if those aren't High Output.