T5 Growers Petition for Category Status.


Well-Known Member
I would like to have a T5 Category added to Indoor Growing. As LED and HID and CFL has their place i see and have shown the NEED for a T5 section. I would be happy to moderate this section as well and if you check my thread i have done a great job @ providing a great thread for all to learn and enjoy. I have been able to keep the Trolls @ bay. I have provided for this community an entire growing "method" with the facts and science supporting it. Theres more to T5 than "Grow" and "Bloom" bulbs, and i have proven this fact to be true.

Everyone please post and sign here to have T5 added to the Indoor Growing section.
would like to have a T5 Category added to Indoor Growing.


I'm sorry but T5's are not CFLs and they deserve more notoriety than just tacking "and fluoros" on the end of the CFL category. This is good stuff, it's very effective, and it works under a pretty different basis than CFL growing. The techniques for CFL are not the techniques for T5, and vice versa.

Further, I'll add that while T5's are technically fluoros, they are THE dominant fluoro used and that is well known at this point. Let CFL's keep their own category. It's pretty evident that most of the people that are big on CFLs are NOT the same people that are growing with T5's and vice versa, so why are we combining the two? I know they are technically both fluorescents, but category division is not for technicalities, it's for ease of use in a practical situation where people talk about specific subjects and it makes more sense to group them!!

I propose, CFL should have it's own forum. T5 should have it's own forum, with "and other standard fluoros" tacked on the end... or call it "T5's, T8's, etc" or something.


FAILING all that, what about a PAR SPECTRUM category? It would be for spectrum-specific fluoro solutions (PAR T5s) and LED'ers would be welcome as well, for obvious reasons.
I'm all for the T5 forum. I second the notion that T5s and CFLs are not the same. Yes they use the same method to produce light, but I don't think the choices for par lighting are the same with CFLs. What's the point in grouping them anyway?
I would say that "CFL's and fluoros" would pretty much include T5s seeing how a T5 is a fluoro.

By that logic, drop it back to "Fluoros" because CFL's are fluoros but fluoros are not CFLs.

Why not give the people what they want? I know forum clutter is an issue, but if it's not used it can be dropped. It's that simple.
What's the point in grouping them anyway?

As an ex-moderator (of a different forum) I can tell you that the "administration" usually puts up a fuss over the idea of cluttering up the main forum list. That is usually the excuse. But, considering they are subforums of the "indoor growing" forum anyway, it doesn't clutter anything up and there's no reason not to give the users what they want. Right, admins? :)
Add a dedicated T5 forum for us! The techniques, hardware and issues between using T5's and CFL's are drastically different, they only share similar technical origins.
At least provide a T5 subheading so people do not have to dig through a bunch of stealth closet cfl growers
Dear Mods, all we want for Christmas is a T5 subheading. Surely you can provide it in the spirit of giving
Yeah and I want a hortilux section and a 6" fan section and a fire extiguisher section and a 2x4 tent section and a........ Com'on people.