t5 for growing


I have a small t5 setup, 4 24in bulbs and I want to buy 4 bloom lights. After reading a few great articles on here I understand the virtues of aquarium lights but still don't know the best setup for lights, especially since the korallen-zuchts might not have the right output. Anyways, I know I want two red suns, what else should I get? Are any purple lights worth getting? Is super actinic of any use for flowering? Halp plz!


Well-Known Member
purple lights do you mean 10k spectrum ? if so yes I veg with those I like the results better then the 6500k bulbs. the plants will grow more fast then those 6500k bulbs. the 10k purple ish bulbs do look more like natural day light . but 10k lights are not good for flower less yields. only good for the last 2 weeks of flower , this light is the very best t5 money can buy http://www.ebay.com/itm/Quantum-Badboy-T5-Fluorescent-Light-Fixture-foldable-bad-boy-bloom-grow-bulbs-/200788596451?pt=US_Hydroponics&var=&hash=item2ebfeed6e3
or http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hydrofarm-EnviroGro-T5-HO-Fluorescent-4ft-8-Lamp-Grow-Light-w-bulbs-/380684582108?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item58a291bcdc
buy for bulbs. bulbs are bulbs different spectrum . one cost 5 bucks looks the same as a 20 dollar bulb . any ways use 10k for veg and clones and 2700k flower . its worth switching them in late flower it does add more sugar resins . when you start your flush you switch the bulbs.
Hi! I also have a 4 tube T5 setup (39W HO each), I run two cool white and two warm white tubes, and it works just fine. Dont overcomplicate things. As for yield you can expect with T5, its no less than with HPS. Im growing predominantly sativa strains (cant tell you which because I grow only from my own seeds which originate from bagseed collection from years back) in Sog and on avarage I get 100g of long sweet airy sativa buds (they are airy no matter what, even under the sun as I grow those exact same plants outdoors too).

And the most I got with my lights was 143g with some NL cuttings. But I didnt like the effects so I vent back to sativas. But with the right strain you can pull 1g/w or at least very close to that.

Again... do not overcomplicate, keep it simple, it works no worst than the fancy stuff.