T5 2ft 4 bulb setup!! (4 6500K)


Well-Known Member
Ok, guys well i went to using CFL's to now using the T5 2ft 4bulb 6500K setup with about 8,000 lumens. I am just using this setup for now considering i paid almost 200 bucks just for this setup and I'm kinda low on cash until next Friday..ahha
I am buying more things every payday.I have right now are 6 White Rhino clones about 30 days old i know they are small for that old its because i didn't have good enough light on them so they didn't really get any bigger since i got them. i also have about 5 or so seedlings that are getting pretty big too.. 3 of them are still very small sprouts.

Well pretty much I posted this just too see how you guys think they will do under that T5 setup..I'm hoping it will do for now cause i don't really have the cash to spend a lot on ..i'm not here to grow pounds just maybe an oz or so..I do understand that harvest isn't as big when using T5's. Also this is a Medical Grow so these plants are for Medical Personal Purpose that's why i'm not looking to harvest lbs..ahha just maybe a few oz's.

anyways..here are a few pics of them right now this is pics from the first day of having the new lights hope to see new improvement and growth cause they were not growing at all with the cfl's cause i wasn't using right spectrum

Oh yea..and next payday i'm going to have money to spend on the grow..What else you guys think i should buy? All ideas please post thanks :)




Well-Known Member
Na its just a little burn i put them outside in 100 degree heat..and thought they would be cool for about 30 mintues ahhah..I was wrong and they got burned just a bit....They should recover pretty soon
Yea thanks man..

Will not be putting them outside anymore..aah considering I now have the right lights for the indoor grow :)
Looking good. I do wonder about your decision to use soil. I have had a much better experience, long term, using inert mediums. I suppose this depends upon the intended destination for these clones. Are you going to move them outdoors?


Well-Known Member
Yea they were cloned in inserts and than they were put into soil..Na they aren't going outside it is way to hott right now where i live about 106 degrees it will just kill them..i'm going to just grow indoors :)

Oh and the inserts were Sure To Grow Brand here is the link they are really bad ass :)


t5's are super cool and make me drool a little.. - and with nice lumen output for how compact they are. I wanna set up a mini fog cloner with a couple 1ft t5's