T.h.seeds kushage smells like hay

blueberry cush

Well-Known Member
This plant smelled like sweet candy and was frosty as hell(better than my white widow)however when dried it smells like horse food (hay)where did i go wrong did i dry it too fast, longer cure? I did flush and gave it only water for the last 2 weeks. Maybe its just the strain?any and all thoughts are welcome


Active Member
How dry was it when you started curing? How long have you been curing. I believe its normal to smell a bit like hay as the plant loses its chlorophyll early on


bud bootlegger
you need to cure it my friend.. that hay smell is perfectly normal as it's just the chorophyl inside of the buds breaking down... from experience, i've noticed it can take around 3 weeks in jars before that lovely smell comes back to the buds for good.. the longer the better though of course..
oh yah, sometimes too fast of a dry can screw with the smell as well, but my $$$ is on the fact that it just needs a longer cure is all..