T.Boone Pickens


Well-Known Member
Most of what I know about Boone Pickens is dated by twenty years. Regardless of your opinion of him, for better or worse, he is a rather iconic individual.

You are correct on him being an Icon, but he is a self absorbed individual who could care less about the communities around him.
I'm no environmentalist by any stretch but he's a damn the torpedo's type of individual who doesn't care what he wrecks as long as he makes a buck.


Well-Known Member
T. Boone Pickens Lives about 50 miles from me.
In some ways he does good, but most around my part of the country would like to cut his throat. He seems to think that he owns the Ogallala Aquifer.
Since he has set the pumps on his land, he is trying to sell our water table down state.
He is currently going through litigation over this.
In the mean time our water is being sold down state.
My opinion T. Boone Pickens is a piece of shit.
Yeah, this guy is a total douche. He thinks he owns Oklahoma State University now.

T. Boone Pickens donates $100M to OSU | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Latest News


Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard of a tax write off????

Pickens is a piece of shit.

Just because he donates to OSU doesn't make him a philanthropist, so does just about every other rich person in Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle. They do it for a Tax write off.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard of a tax write off????

Pickens is a piece of shit.

Just because he donates to OSU doesn't make him a philanthropist, so does just about every other rich person in Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle. They do it for a Tax write off.
So true, so true.


New Member
Hannity interviewed Boone Pickens on his show this morning. One suggestion he had was to have Congress mandate that all new vehicles ordered by the government for its own use be set up to run on natural gas. This would include state governments as well.

Good idea or bad? What do you guys think?



New Member
In summary, why use Natural Gas automobiles? Because it's greener.



"Natural gas has long been considered an alternative fuel for the transportation sector. In fact, the first internal combustion engine vehicle to run on natural gas was created by Etienne Lenoir in 1860!"

Why Natural Gas Vehicles? "There are many reasons why NGVs are increasing in abundance and popularity. New, stringent federal and state emissions laws require an improvement in vehicle emissions over the foreseeable future. For example, the state of California has some of the most stringent environmental standards, many of which are currently unattainable with conventionally fueled vehicles. Natural gas, being the cleanest burning alternative transportation fuel available today, offers an opportunity to meet these stringent environmental emissions standards.

In addition, natural gas is very safe. Being lighter than air, in the event of an accident natural gas simply dissipates into the air, instead of forming a dangerous flammable pool on the ground like other liquid fuels. This also prevents the pollution of ground water in the event of a spill. Natural gas fuel storage tanks on current NGVs are stronger and sturdier than gasoline tanks.

Natural gas is also an economic alternative to gasoline and other transportation fuels. Traditionally, natural gas vehicles have been around 30 percent cheaper than gasoline vehicles to refuel, and in many cases the maintenance costs for NGVs is lower than traditional gasoline vehicles. In addition to being economic, many proponents of NGVs argue that a transportation sector more reliant on domestically abundant natural gas will decrease the U.S. dependence on foreign oil - allowing for a more secure, safer energy supply for the country."


Well-Known Member
I think electric cars with backup NG engines are the way to go. They need to boost the miles you can go before recharging, by a factor of two or three, but some smart scientists will eventually figure that part out, if for no other reason than that there's enormous gobs of money in it for whoever does it first. We do have buttloads of natural gas. But I wouldn't want to see us just trading one addiction for another (although we won't run out of natural gas in my lifetime); we do need to keep strong focus on renewable sources of energy.


Well-Known Member
You just gotta bring me back to reality,THX.:cry:

moneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoney,got Got enough money yet ??:evil: NEVER:evil:


Well-Known Member
You just gotta bring me back to reality,THX.:cry:

moneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoneymoney,got Got enough money yet ??:evil: NEVER:evil:
I know, just think how much farther we could be if Tesla had been given the funding he deserved.