T-5 lights for just flowering??


Well-Known Member
I'm a rookie, on my first indoor grow.....but folks, trust me on this one, the "authorities" will not waste their time, generally, on a 4 or 5 plant grow for your own use. Choppers, special heat/light detecting equipment, etc. all take lots of money, manpower and planning. Honestly, and don't take this personal because it's a good thing....you just ain't worth it. Now, with that said, there are exceptions.....some high level cop has a hard-on for you because you've been secretly banging his/her spouse, daughter, mother, family pet or all of the above....or you're selling your excess product at the school yard down the street....then you may have some problems and be under someones watchful eye.
My walls are lined with mylar and I drape it over the front as well :mrgreen:

Oh yeah and my profile pic is a flower under T5's taken a couple days ago... lol


Well-Known Member
The chances of getting caught are slim to none if you are careful. Although the 5-0 will be happy to bust you for 5 or for 100 plants. Do you think they care about how much money it takes to fly a chopper over your house? Hell no, they are trying to use as much money as possible so next year they get more money for their anuall budget. If you are using $300 a month in electricity, they don't know how much of that is going to a "grow-op" if they suspect one. Even if you use $20 a month for you hps, they don't know. All they know is you are using $300 a month. I've heard that cops will get a warrent with no evidence at all and raid the place. Best thing is tell NOBODY and keep the smell under control. If you do that then there will be no need to fly a chopper over your house to secure a warrant. From what i understand they fly the chopper over a house AFTER they already receive a tip from somebody that there is weed in the house. Careful of the "meter reader". Take care.
Ok now are you talking about regular common folks? Cuz us medicinal peeps be covered I believe... I have my recc posted by my garden in full view... Also, I do run an air filter, for the heavenly aroma, but OMFG when I make Buddah and go outside, it smells like a freakin SKUNK sprayed down my entire back yard... LOL... anybody have any tips on this lil problem? hehehe....


New Member
I have had the 2 t5x8 h/o units for 5 grows. I only use one for veg and it works great. The other I have used as a side light with my two agro sun 1k hps batwings reflectors in flower and I also tried it once for flower only.. I used only one blue spectrum lamp for the flower with the other 7 being bloom lamps. In the end the hps will triple your outcome and the buds will be a lot! denser.. Sorry but t5's don't make great bud. i have two of em why would I lie.. U will get bud, but not much and not the best your strain can produce.. Still ok for personal use I guess but I like my botany to be outstanding one or 30 plants I don't care. Want the best... GL...

Hey guys was wondering I will start a new grow pretty soon and my grow space will be in a attic.....Now I have a 400hps light and im thinking of doing 4 plants max.....my concerns are 2 things the whole IR thing with choppers detecting heat sigs especially since its in an attic and the fact that hps's get very warm.....thats why im thinking of going with a t-5 h.o for flowering since from what i have read emit very low heat and building a small cab for vegging with cfls....what do guys think???:-|