Synthetic Urine... any experience?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was offered an amazing job for the summer. The only problem is, the job is with the city so I will have to provide a specimen. I've got plenty of time to naturally detox before the test, but as a regular partaker of the challice, I'd rather not. Has anyone had any experience with any of the synthetic urine products on the market? I'd hate to lose this job because I unknowingly submitted a cup of apple juice for the piss test.:confused:


Well-Known Member
You're hosed dude, unless you sneak some safe piss into the test... Make sure it's male or you may be pregnant. I know an asshole who used his girlfriends piss, and guess what , he's preggo... congratulations :o:o:o


Active Member
You're hosed dude, unless you sneak some safe piss into the test... Make sure it's male or you may be pregnant. I know an asshole who used his girlfriends piss, and guess what , he's preggo... congratulations :o:o:o

Find a friend or something (as stated above, who's male, assuming you're male) to do it for you... Not that hard ;)


Well-Known Member
I've used synthetic and it worked just fine. The only thing is you have to make sure it's between 90 and 100 degrees, otherwise you fail. But the synthetic urine comes with a temp strip, and a heat pad. What I did was I threw that shit in the micro before I went for the test, and by the time I got there to do it, it had cooled to the right temp. It's easier to cool it down than it is to heat it up, you know?

I had one friend who had a problem with synthetic piss tho. The place wanted more piss than he had synthetic piss, you know? Which was wierd, because when I used it, the synthetic piss was the EXACT right amount...just wanted to warn you, because that totally fucked my friend.


Well-Known Member
Hey Wiki, or anyone with an answer, i have 2oz of 'clean' frozen urine and i have a very important physical that might include a test, the testing location is 1 hour away with the actual test possibly being 1-3 hours from when i leave my house: is there any way i could get the frozen urine to the test at the right temperature?


Well-Known Member
What I did, was I heated the piss beyond the heat I needed, and then by the time I got to the testing place it had cooled down. Actually, my testing place was way closer, so I had to COOL mine down before I got there. Now, 1-3 hours is kinda a stretch....but as long as you have it strapped to your BODY, your body heat should keep it the right temp.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING to get the piss to match your body temp by having it strapped to you is that the container you have your piss in not be too thick. If the container is made too thick, your body heat won't be able to penetrate it and keep the piss inside the right temp. Like, ideally, it would be something as thin as say, a zip lock baggy, but THAT'S a problem, because who's really going to trust a ziplock baggy full of piss on their body? I mean, if that shit bursts, lol, you'd look like you pissed your pants.


Well-Known Member
Synthetic is good (Number 1). Passes TSA/Homeland Security piss tests. Comes with a velcro belt/temp monitor/piss hose. Wear the belt for an hour or so or until it reaches body temp.....piss away.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just make sure you put it on the inside of your thigh. Because you're counting on our body heat to keep it warm, so if you put it on the outside of your thigh, it's not going to be as warm as it can be. Plus, do you have a temp strip on it? Because you really need to make sure it falls into the right range.


Well-Known Member
Synthetic is good (Number 1). Passes TSA/Homeland Security piss tests. Comes with a velcro belt/temp monitor/piss hose. Wear the belt for an hour or so or until it reaches body temp.....piss away.
Yea but i really dont have the money or resources to buy synthetic urine


Well-Known Member
Yeah, one like that, but not a fish one. You need one that will test up to 100 degrees F. Your piss needs to be between 90 and 100 degrees F for you to pass.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, im gona freeze some water in a similar container and simulate the whole thing with a temp strip to see if this could work, but im kind of scared cause this is a homeland security test so i NEED to pass this too stay in the US, still not sure if i should just quit for a month and get it over with or try the clean urine...


Well-Known Member
Ummm, let me see, if my LIFE HERE IN THE US were at stake...yeah, I'd probably stop smoking and just not even risk it. But that's all up to you, I mean, if you're down for the risk, then go on with your bad self. But just remember, if you get busted and end up getting deportd or whatever it is that will happen, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

I mean, cuz there are other things that could go wrong. I dunno if I posted it in this thread already, but I once knew someone who used synthetic piss, and the amount in the bottle wasn't enough for the test, the place wanted more. And then you're fucked, unless you have more clean piss on you.

Plus if the piss isn't the right temp, that's a fail too. So I guess it's all about how much you're willing to risk it.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha, yea thanks man you put it the right way, i couldnt live with bringing down my whole family because of a little bud, guess im gona save the clean piss for when somebody calls me for a job and for now ill just hit the cranberry juice like im hitting the bong:-) thanks though, where did you get your temp strip by the way?


Well-Known Member
Do you keep calling me man because you think I'm a guy, or just because you like to say man? lol, cuz if it's the second, it's ok, cuz I do the same thing with the word "dude"

As far as the temp strip, I got a pack of them at a pet store. Just not the fish kind. Get the kind that is meant to be put on a reptiles cage, because they go higher than the fish ones.


Well-Known Member
Lol, sorry about that, im not thinkin too clearly-kinda tired shouldve looked at ur pussy(cat) on your pic, very glad to see iv been talkin to a female thou, not many that ive seen around here:-)