

Well-Known Member
ok so after more intense looking i believe i have a pest,,,,every time i water i get these little white bugs that come to the surface and from what i can tell they are symphids, and im wondering if these can cause similar damage to the girl as the calcium deficiency shows. heres a shot of a leaf in questiion


Well-Known Member
also besides the tobacco juice technique what caqn i buy locally to combat these shits because i need to fix this asap

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
looks like bugs are definitely having a good feast on your leaves! if they are overwhelming then you can either purchase a solution thatll control this problem otherwise chop em down and toss em if you cannot combat them. always remember that the best solution to pests are prevention! now tht you have these bugs(which i think may be spider mights but i could be wrong) you will have to wash all your plants down if they are not flowering yet. you can either put em in the shower to rinse em off or go with the better option and take them outside and spray them off with a hose. make sure to spray off both the top and bottom sides of the leaves. bugs normally feast off the bottom side of plants. after that you can get yourself some neem oil and rub it on the tops and bottoms of leaves. after the plants are all cleaned off you will need to go back to your grow space and bug bomb/clean and sterilize your space. This will ensure that you killed off any pests inside the space. cus if you clean the plants off then put them back they will just get attacked again! so if you want to do this you must do it right or lose everything you have worked for!

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
another option is go to a local garden shop or hydro shop and purchase praying mantis/lady bug eggs to let lose in your grow space. praying mantis and lady bugs will eat all and any pests in your grow space. i personally wouldnt use lady bugs as they are a type of beetle and will eventually also feed off your leaves when the spider mites are gone. but also remember that if using this solution, you must make sure your grow space is very well sealed off if indoors because if it is not then you will have an infestation of praying mantis and ladybugs in your house. not a comfortable feeling when laying down to sleep at night.


Well-Known Member
i really dont hink they are spider mites, there is no webbing and there are no mites on the leaves, i really believe this is a root issue steming from the little bugs that come out when i watter, in addition it is localized only to the 3 girls that are the oldest and they were grown in coco that may not have been cleaned as well as it should have been. i also read about these pest strips that you can buy to rid yourself of spider mites and such, and it only takes 2 applications and your good. but im loking for a soil drench that will kill these little guys that i can get at a local store like lowes and such


Well-Known Member
ok so i have located a few of those little dudes in my res and they look like aphids to me there transparent or a little whitish and they have little antenna and looks like 6 legs and they have black eyes, no visible wings but there only in the coco not on the leaves that i can see unless they only come out at night or the fans are keeping them down