Swollen Calyx or Feminized Seed? All Girls No Males or Bananas...What to do...

Hey Peeps,

Hope someone can help...all female Kush at 34 days into flower. No bedtime light exposure, temps around 80 during day 70 at night. Good nutes, plants seem happy, no stress - BUT, noticed what i thought (hoped :) were swollen calyx's on a few of my girls, but now fear I have some feminized seeding going on. No sacks or nanners, have checked and checked again all 28 plants. So questions are, does this example look like a green seed? Will this development get worse? (seeding all over the place) Should I pull early? (lots of trichomes, but still white hairs) What should you find when you bust open swollen calyx, anything green and hard or just sap?

Advice, answers mucho appreciated! :)


Well-Known Member
looks liek a seed to me. sorry. their is still always an embryo inside the calyx ( very small seed size of a grain of pepper most the time) but that one was pollinated. if you have no males you have a hermie some where you just cant see it, also i would not use the seeds that come out of them, and also i would just let them finish, then scrub the room, fans, lights, ect.. to get rid of any left over pollin for the next grow


Active Member
I had a weird looking "seed" on my last grow. The thing was growing at the base of one of my fan leaves. When I saw the "seed" I immediately pinched it off and pictured it; approximate size was just a few mm so I wasn't thinking automatically it was actually a seedling although it looked very much like a miniature seed. After this sighting I did a thorough check on my girls and found no other hermi traits (nanners, seeds, etc.). Hopefully you have something like this and not a pollinated seed!

Thanks guys! Yeah, have been checking all plants thoroughly. I swear I have not seen any balls or bananas so it's completely weird to me that this is happening. So I guess I'll just let them finish their cycle and hope for the best
im having problems with my plant also.. they should swoll up later on but i dont know where the balls go after when it swolls