Switching to hydro


I have been growing in soil ( and usually 1 plant per round as a Dwc) for about a year and a half now and with my current two job schedule I feel rushed when I'm at home with my plants ( watering, pruning, etc). I would like to switch to a hydro system that is both; resistant to heat ( in terms of the Rez temp) and relatively short ( no 5 gallon buckets/ tall tables) as I am limited on my height. I plan on running mostly bodhi seeds (dream beaver, tigers milk, jabbas stash) and am striving for quality over quantity with my harvests. I realize that no hydro system is going to keep my Rez at 68 degrees and no system is flush with the floor but I just wonder what systems are best with both of these factors in mind.
i would say ebb and flo with an under the bed rubbermaid as a res. it would be less than 10 inches tall. walmart has a 12.5 gallon under the bed rubermaid.


Well-Known Member
What ss1 says^^^ with plenty left over, hydro is kewl, but if left unchecked for very long at all, the risks far out weigh the rewards. If you cannot be there to monitor it fairly closely, not everyday, but close to it, I would pick a different grow method. I started with a pure hydro setup and I have to be able to leave my grow for up to 5 days at a time, so I switched methods. I do a top feed, dtw in coco and it gives me that freedom. As soon as I get the chance tho, I will resurrect my hydro setup out of the barn and finish it up ad give it a go.

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
If you have no time for soil than hydro will kill you.
Absolutely not.. at least not in my case. I fill my reservoir with nutes once a week and adjusts pH at the same time. Water is on 24/7, nothing to worry about there.
Really easy, and so far the results are looking great.. have a look yourself.

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