Switching to flowering today need help with feeding

I'm switching my lights to flowering today and my plants are scheduled for a feeding and they look quite hungry, but I'm not sure by the color of the fan leaves whether to feed them 1/4 nutes or no nutes or what! If anyone could guide me to the best option that'd be great!



Well-Known Member
what soil are they in ?

-they don't look hungry necessarily but depending on how they have been fed / what they are in a little nutes shouldn't hurt

-Why are you switching to flower this early, do you have space restrictions ? , if not i would train them out to get a few more active tops.


Well-Known Member
Nice then I can help, I also grow in potters gold.

Honestly I have fed mine once and they look like this

I wouldn't say you need to feed them but giving them a 1/4 dose wont hurt things

-are you watering them in that bathtub ?
-are you using tap water to water?
-if so are you de chlorinating it?
-it looks like you might be using the bathtub to water them and they look potentially over watered.
No i only use the bath room because I use led lights so you can't tell color. I use RO water PH'd to 6.5 and those plants are on day 5 from its last watering


Well-Known Member
Those are beauts btw:weed:
Thank you :bigjoint:

I definitely feel you on the LED color distortion in pictures.

honestly 1/4 dose of nutes wont hurt, but you don't need it. do you use CAL MAG with your RO water ?

In your position I would personally top, FIM ( fuck i missed ), and or tie down the tops and veg them for 1-2 more weeks then flip to flower since you have 3 months left.
you will appreciate the extra shoots when flowering starts. :weed: