switching to 12-12


Hey, so My plants have reached the max of their pots. I dont have much room so i'm going to stop veg and switch over. do i need to slowly change my timer or can i just set it to 12-12?


Well-Known Member
set it rite to 12/12... giving it 24-36 hrs of darkness b4 will promte the flowering stage and give it an extra stretch/boost b4 she flowers... if theres no room in ur pots, y not trans plant first???? more rot room = larger buds


I'm trying to keep cost down for my first try. I'll think about switching them. Maybe put the two smaller plants in one tuperware container or something.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to keep cost down for my first try. I'll think about switching them. Maybe put the two smaller plants in one tuperware container or something.
what r they in now???? i hear keepin the costs down but the more u put in the more ull get out... invest $20, get an oz.. invest nuthin, get an 1/8... i would not advise puttin 2 in 1... if they r already short for root room it will get worse


theyre in 1 gallon pots and about a foot tall. i have another in a 1.5 gal pot and its doing the best, most likely root room. If i swapped though i would get a 2x3' container for the two to share and keep then in their allowed areas.

Your most likely right, and i'm probably being stubburn but i kind of wanted to keep the plants and the operation on the small side.


Well-Known Member
theyre in 1 gallon pots and about a foot tall. i have another in a 1.5 gal pot and its doing the best, most likely root room. If i swapped though i would get a 2x3' container for the two to share and keep then in their allowed areas.

Your most likely right, and i'm probably being stubburn but i kind of wanted to keep the plants and the operation on the small side.
the 2x3 tupawear will do great but depending on its depth ull need more soil and soil is more costly then gettin a few 3gl pots
there r ways to keep ur plants and operation small and make ur harvest big... u wanna get the most outta ur plants rite??? r u doin any techniques like topping, LSTing or suppercropping???


no, i figured for my first grow to keep it simple. I did a lot of reading about LST and am interested but i figured i should start with the basics.


Well-Known Member
no, i figured for my first grow to keep it simple. I did a lot of reading about LST and am interested but i figured i should start with the basics.
agreed but LST and suppercropping is pretty basic.. its not like ur measuring and calabrating, PHing or tecnical shit like that... ur jus tieing over and bending.. im not tellin ya what to do, jus tryin to help ya get the most for ur efforts.. here check this thread.. it has all the QnA's u could imagine on the subject and if u have more questions, jus ask on that thread.. buddy will be glad to help u... it will benifit u in more ways then yeild(which by the way would be a huge increase)... if u feel is not what u wanna do till u r a lil more experinced then thats fine but at least ull have the knowledge when u r ready.. but noobs do it all the time and have great sucess with it.. its far more basic then adding nutes for adding nutes can create many problems if not done propper... perhaps try 1 of ur crop jus too see the difference it can make... anyways, check it out.. good luck my friend!!!


yeah, i think its too late to do some of that stuff now. on my next grow i plan on definately going that though.

As for the tuperware, you dont have to fill it all the way or can trim the depth.

However, Thanks for the help and i will definitely be using that thread for the next grow to get the most out of my efforts. I've learned a lot so far in the past two months but I think i'm going to just bud these and changes things with the next crop.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i think its too late to do some of that stuff now. on my next grow i plan on definately going that though.

As for the tuperware, you dont have to fill it all the way or can trim the depth.

However, Thanks for the help and i will definitely be using that thread for the next grow to get the most out of my efforts. I've learned a lot so far in the past two months but I think i'm going to just bud these and changes things with the next crop.
sounds good.. cheers!!!
Ok so I get the technique behind super cropping but I don't see how it'll work on my ladies (forgive me I'm new). My ladies are single stalks with just leaves coming off. How do all you guys have like 5 stems? Do they sprout a new one one the first gets bent? They're NL+BB BTW.

Thanks RS