Switching to 12/12 Flush or No Flush


Well-Known Member
Okay, here we go.

I am about to switch to 12/12 clycles in 1 week, I have read or heard that you should flush the veg nutrients out 1wk prior to switching and using bloom nutrients....... is this true?

It also seems that 1 of my ladies has a slight issue as well, the top quarter half of her is a way lighter green then the rest of the girls(almost yellow), and her newer tips seem to curl a little.

Im guessing nute burn. Im not really sure of the effects of over/underwatering so it could be possible i guess. Does anyone know the signs of over/underwatering?? droopy leaves I know, Im sure there is a more specific way to tell and thats what Im looking for.

1 more thing, any precautions to take while flushing or afterwards???? I really am bent on doing this because Im scared they will be over watered afterwards, or am I just paranoid??? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah I will search through that but I have before and Im pretty sure that flushing is not covered...... thank you though, I may be asking a little too much but Im kinda looking for some personal opinions on this one thanks to all in advance


Well-Known Member
Personal opinions....... Mine is that it's always a good idea to flush when changing cycles. I'd let 'em go a couple of days on straight h2o and readdress your concerns from there. If the same problems are still evident, dig further. If not, proceed as you normally would.
Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Hiya Graf,
You can change the nutes the instant you switch to 12/12. I personally have never flushed for a week prior to switching, and haven't experienced any difficulties afterwards. MaryJane is a very hearty weed, but when you switch, go with the 1/4 strength nutes and work up again like you did for vegging. Any time you see drastic color change check your pH. Get it right and give it time to take effect. Color should get right again. Sounds like yer doin ok g'luck



Well-Known Member
if Im switching in 1wk I should flush now then right??? and should I just run tap water through it or should I

1. fill the tub w/ water...

2. ph the water...

3. put the buckets in...

4. let the water rise to the top...

5. let drain all the way... (this is what I was told)


Well-Known Member
Okay, here we go.

I am about to switch to 12/12 clycles in 1 week, I have read or heard that you should flush the veg nutrients out 1wk prior to switching and using bloom nutrients....... is this true?

It also seems that 1 of my ladies has a slight issue as well, the top quarter half of her is a way lighter green then the rest of the girls(almost yellow), and her newer tips seem to curl a little.

Im guessing nute burn. Im not really sure of the effects of over/underwatering so it could be possible i guess. Does anyone know the signs of over/underwatering?? droopy leaves I know, Im sure there is a more specific way to tell and thats what Im looking for.

1 more thing, any precautions to take while flushing or afterwards???? I really am bent on doing this because Im scared they will be over watered afterwards, or am I just paranoid??? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
1 - the reason why u should flush is that by flushing ur plants u prevent the salt build up in the grow medium (in ur case i assume it´s soil)...ok so whats to do:
1st - water with about twice the pot´s capacity (1gal pot = 2 gal pH´ed water).....ALLWAYS CHECK THE Ph...something around 5.5
2 - after u flushed all the pots make ur flower nute mix and water ur plants...MAKE SURE U HAVE EXCELLENT DRAINAGE
3 - Flush and feed as soon as u start a 12h light cycle
4 - Don´t feed the plants at full blast start 1/3 or 1/2 strenght...the plant prob u have i sugest u start a new thread dude or else its easy to loose track...Peace


Well-Known Member
Okay, here we go.

I am about to switch to 12/12 clycles in 1 week, I have read or heard that you should flush the veg nutrients out 1wk prior to switching and using bloom nutrients....... is this true?

It also seems that 1 of my ladies has a slight issue as well, the top quarter half of her is a way lighter green then the rest of the girls(almost yellow), and her newer tips seem to curl a little.

Im guessing nute burn. Im not really sure of the effects of over/underwatering so it could be possible i guess. Does anyone know the signs of over/underwatering?? droopy leaves I know, Im sure there is a more specific way to tell and thats what Im looking for.

1 more thing, any precautions to take while flushing or afterwards???? I really am bent on doing this because Im scared they will be over watered afterwards, or am I just paranoid??? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

when you first see the hairs turn brown/redish during budding (usually happens during the 5th week of budding) start the flush (feeding the plant water only) and then harvest in two to three weeks or when 2/3 to 3/4 of em have turned brown. Also you might wanna add two more hours (14hrs) of light during the last two weeks.


Well-Known Member
That is a little low for soil. For soil you want 6.8.
NO that would be correct if we were talking about watering...we´re talking about flushing....flush solution is usually accidic cause the salt build up in the medium makes the medium alkaline (usually)....


Well-Known Member
While you are at it Omega good you address this advice of flushing the nutrients out after 5 weeks of flowering and just giving water for the last two or three weeks. I would but i'm too young


Well-Known Member
NO that would be correct if we were talking about watering...we´re talking about flushing....flush solution is usually accidic cause the salt build up in the medium makes the medium alkaline (usually)....
well it seems that my terminology has been getting rusty...but last time I checked you LEACHED salt build ups from growing mediums not flushed...maybe I had it wrong or something can't be always right, I would but you're too redneck and dumb^^^^^.....


Well-Known Member
well it seems that my terminology has been getting rusty...but last time I checked you LEACHED salt build ups from growing mediums not flushed...maybe I had it wrong or something can't be always right, I would but I'm too redneck and dumb^^^^^.....
No worries...we can help u with the dumb part...flushed..:joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks people I have successfully cleaned out those girls.. thanks to all who helped out w/ this one...